India first decide is he hindu or muslim his original passport from pune with muslin name he has hindu wife and mother if he is muslim why he has hindu mother and wife and if he is hindu not muslim why he has passport with muslim name ? What was he doing with muslim passport in iran.i think iran...
Yes yes if imran failed bilawal maryam and malala you under control cant you see you are forced to chose democracy or you will be kicked out common wealth under any alternative system like autocracy.
This is reality of current islam you are still and will remain slave as chains are extremely...
Who was first president of all india muslim league dont be surprised to see him as president of league of nation..which paved way for israel a nation which was created for formation of israel to legitimize saudi arabia by british govt.
Future leaderd selected by british imperialist
For pakistan in 2018 imran khan bilawal zardari and Shabaz sharif acknowldged by supreme khan received jew wife funding from british land by legal means still people say pakistan is an independent country.
Pakistani constitution? Where when its copy paste british version on unwritten constitution not even islamic
isnt imran khan british funded jew funded political figure of pakistan aka jamima goldsmith? Another replacement by brotish as zardari sharifs and mqm fully exposed in the eyes of people...
I see some recently and its a cause of concern how come global government bodies controling pakistan where pakistan military is standing on this.please see somes news and decide it youself
Govt deliberates on UN request to limit military's role in civil spheres
World Bank’s role in drafting...
Yes british sponsored rulers will change your lives 1947 till 2017 spit on me if you dont find any connection between british and pakistani political and military leadership my open challenge to you!!!
I am making a very big statement read world and islamic history from 1800 till 1967 you will learn british empire is controlling from political religious and social policies and re written islam in their favour to create space for promise land israel.When you do this study you will find out...
Iqbal not just said this about hindustan but overall situation of islamic world we are living now
ملا كو جوہے مسجد میں سجدے کی اجازت
نادان سمجہتے ہے کے اسلام.ہے آزاد
Even after independence all islamic countries are under slavery of british usa russia .
taRget is not afghanistan or pakistan but iran border eith afghanistan first time iran will fight proxy war on its own border with afghanistan just like aghan pakistan border iran must not arm taliban against isil which is attacking afghan security forces in afghanistan.
There will be no refuge no safe haven for any one .this thread for those who can understand it not for those who reject it.the choice is yours it always happen it was always expected as clearly evident in past.signs are now visible but still of some one blindfolded then its a will and decision...
Yes you are so right to keep your head down you must be surrounded and busy with problems right?as i said read history of pakistan incidents match it with global events you will see how busy you were since 1965
Same panama allegations were also leveled against ruling gandhi family his son in...
Pakistan always targeted just before major events if you are good student you can match events happened in pakistan vs incidents and war happened in middle east.
Hijaz = madinah and makkah we have authentic refrences and insight in tgis if you are interest in pseudoscience.