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  1. DALAI LAMA 4477

    Good neighbor india's army professionally raping our sisters in NE!

    brother this kind of thinking would leave u nowhere but having ur name written in pink in this forum Apocalypse banned member :hang2:
  2. DALAI LAMA 4477

    Good neighbor india's army professionally raping our sisters in NE!

    brother dont u have anything constructive thing to post .This kind of post highlights ur mental sickness & lust for nudity:drag: U have turn a defence forum into a **** forum:hitwall:
  3. DALAI LAMA 4477

    India Is The World's Only Counter Weight To China

    brother let me enlighten u a bit Third World vs. Three Worlds "The "Three Worlds Theory" developed by Mao Zedong is different from the Western theory of the Three Worlds or Third World. For example, in the Western theory, China and India belong respectively to the second and third worlds...
  4. DALAI LAMA 4477

    China signs deal for 150 Russian fighter jet engines: Report

    well my friend india doesnt need no one certificate of greatness ,India is great. if u dont want to accept it then let it be . no my friend i am not here to troll or abuse china ,infact u people are humuliating such a great country like india plz dont tell like this ,his holiness is great &...
  5. DALAI LAMA 4477

    China signs deal for 150 Russian fighter jet engines: Report

    oh lord may god give u divine wisdom:angel:
  6. DALAI LAMA 4477

    China signs deal for 150 Russian fighter jet engines: Report

    brother u dont know india is also one of the largest producer of gobar gas which is made from cow's dung which is also bio friendly environment friendly
  7. DALAI LAMA 4477

    China signs deal for 150 Russian fighter jet engines: Report

    kid ,u must have heart to feel other's heart.That's why indians r indians & chinese r chinese:bad:
  8. DALAI LAMA 4477

    China signs deal for 150 Russian fighter jet engines: Report

    no only biased chinese people wont beleive this Becoz they know they r doin this u should better read those articles that u posted they infact said EU raps Big Pharma; Indian copycat kings boosted - Money - DNA Kroes’ statements have been roundly welcomed by Indian pharma denizens...
  9. DALAI LAMA 4477

    China signs deal for 150 Russian fighter jet engines: Report

    well brother u r right we shouldnt argue like this ,it is a forum we shoulnt abuse each other's country like this . india is great & so does china .
  10. DALAI LAMA 4477

    China signs deal for 150 Russian fighter jet engines: Report

    thanks i appreciate ur honesty:enjoy:
  11. DALAI LAMA 4477

    China signs deal for 150 Russian fighter jet engines: Report

    i am not saying this but the whole world is saying this China shamelessly steals fighter jet technology from Russia - English pravda.ru Procurement: China Sort Of Promises To Stop Stealing Russian Tech How China Steals U.S. Military Secrets - Popular Mechanics Peter Navarro: China begs...
  12. DALAI LAMA 4477

    China signs deal for 150 Russian fighter jet engines: Report

    brother it was just a sarcasm ,i know very well aboout the capability of Pakistan & bangladesh .But u took it seriously :D
  13. DALAI LAMA 4477

    China signs deal for 150 Russian fighter jet engines: Report

    U should thank god that india cant copy like u guys becoz it is not a copy cat .But when india would start copying u would better start hiding & running :help:
  14. DALAI LAMA 4477

    China signs deal for 150 Russian fighter jet engines: Report

    no only industrial might cannnot make a nation great, it can make them rich & powerful but not make them great ,but the country's ,culture, tradition , respect & affection for all weaker people & countries would make a nation great.Then Nazis germany would have been called great .:angel:
  15. DALAI LAMA 4477

    China signs deal for 150 Russian fighter jet engines: Report

    u forgot pharmaceutical industry ,cement industry . film industry but india has honesty ,respect of Intelluctual property rights ,& produce quality goods they dont produce cheap & pirated products
  16. DALAI LAMA 4477

    China signs deal for 150 Russian fighter jet engines: Report

    it has a big heart ,despite's it huge population he has given shelter to many refugesss & deprived people like tibetians, palestians,.burmese .He never denied them. India is great:smitten:
  17. DALAI LAMA 4477

    China signs deal for 150 Russian fighter jet engines: Report

    U fool ,india is our guru , Albert Einstein said: We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made. Mark Twain said: India is, the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the...
  18. DALAI LAMA 4477

    China signs deal for 150 Russian fighter jet engines: Report

    no forget tibet & taiwan they need to own 1st their own people ,where people have no freedom of speech & expression & they supress the voice of their own people as seen in tianmaanan square ,where chinese forces run tank on their own citizens .
  19. DALAI LAMA 4477

    China signs deal for 150 Russian fighter jet engines: Report

    shame on u ,U r such an ungrateful wrench it was USA which freed ur nation from clutches of imperial army of Japan or else u all have been tortured to death by the japanese .& u ungrateful wrench talking of owning USA.:bad:
  20. DALAI LAMA 4477

    China signs deal for 150 Russian fighter jet engines: Report

    no brother Hu Shih, former Ambassador of China to USA said: "India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border.":enjoy:
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