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  1. ELTurco

    Arabic Coffee shop

    enough for today.. l'll be back tomorrow to put you in the lowest place you belong my llittle puppy.
  2. ELTurco

    Arabic Coffee shop

    as i said before only thing you spank is your little sisters arse you delusional monkey.. :tongue:
  3. ELTurco

    Arabic Coffee shop

    @Sinan Childish moron Thats it now i'm convinced that you are a true idiot. A real gerizekali ahmak :disagree: Are you really criticizing yourself now.. its an improvement. says the donkey ask yourself why. you laugh behind my back because someone made a stupid comment to me about a...
  4. ELTurco

    Arabic Coffee shop

    Just shut your mouth i try to ignore you all day but you wont shut up..
  5. ELTurco

    Arabic Coffee shop

    @Sinan what the hell? look at mirror you will see a wannebee one.. even facists wouldnt accept you.. repent you mean.. so much for your worthless education.. i told you get whatever education you want you will remain a illiterate donkey. cause i was treated unfairly. shame on you...
  6. ELTurco

    Arabic Coffee shop

    now you show this as proof who started it.. but you have deleted the ones that you wrote before you are such a lier hiding the truth playing games like a coward.. why do you delete the post when you told me to go away.. that i should not return.. and that i am so and so.. a very very bad...
  7. ELTurco

    Arabic Coffee shop

    I wasnt talking to you.. you are irritating.. just dont mention me anymore.. get lost out of my face.. even a dog has more dignity than you a dog would just let it and leave it but you stubborn donkey doesnt understand.. comes back for more like a ...
  8. ELTurco

    Arabic Coffee shop

    I apologize for distturbing the peace here and i want to thank my dear Arab brothers letting me speak on equal terms freely against these ignorant kids without banning me.. @Hazzy @al-Hasani and the others and Pakistani brothers aswell thank you guys. @al-Hasani its simple.. if one is a...
  9. ELTurco

    Arabic Coffee shop

    I was here talking to my Arab brothers it was about visiting places in Turkey.. everything was alright until you and your bandits came here..
  10. ELTurco

    Arabic Coffee shop

    I agree brother and thats exatly what i did nothing more nothing less,
  11. ELTurco

    Arabic Coffee shop

    and why should i let you have the last word i have to defend myself from your lies so dont talk sh!t.. now just let it go.. you really really irritate me..
  12. ELTurco

    Arabic Coffee shop

    Ofcourse they can feed themselves whatever they like to who am i to Judge but thats not the point i just said it was better not to eat cause its forbidden according to our religion and it is not healty.. they called me all kind of names just cause i said that.. freedom of speech only when it...
  13. ELTurco

    Arabic Coffee shop

    Now they call me bigot for that..
  14. ELTurco

    Arabic Coffee shop

    You brainwashed sectarian cultists attacked me one time because i was surprised to learn some of people from Turkmenistan and also Turkey eating pork.. these so called Turks then called me a yobaz/bigot can you imagine that @al-Hasani and my dear Pakistani brothers and sisters? know what kind...
  15. ELTurco

    Arabic Coffee shop

    Thats a question you had to consider long time ago maybe that way you would be able to understand the situation better, anyway it doesnt matter anymore cause i wont participate in your section.. i just want from you now to keep them trolls away from me thats all i ask from you.
  16. ELTurco

    Arabic Coffee shop

    You are not fit for moderator position you are like a jugde who is not neutral you just see what you want to see listen to one side and ignore the other side..see it doesnt work like that
  17. ELTurco

    Arabic Coffee shop

    As if i wake up everyday to impress you moron.. Guys just ignore this moron he is trying to create fitna with his limited brain capacity between us brothers but we wont fall for that ofcourse..trying to make me look bad.. i never insulted anyone who didnt desevered it.
  18. ELTurco

    Arabic Coffee shop

    @Targon You are just a high school kid.. you dont know anything about life you cant Judge me you dont even know me.. dont mention my name anymore.. i dont like you guys i dont want to have talk or fight with you whats so hard to understand? so dont mention my name anymore or i will report...
  19. ELTurco

    Algeria cheated against Russia in world cup 2014 match

    Algeria deserve the win.. they played better got more quality/capable team.
  20. ELTurco

    Arabic Coffee shop

    I am more modern and wealthy than your limited keko intelligence can grasp and make no mistake even if there was a choise i would without a doubt prefer to be a yobaz than to be loser hungry son of a keko like you.
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