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  1. athlon

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    So, this is about the thermal camouflage, right? Nice..
  2. athlon

    ASEAN Affairs Forum

    Yes, for now
  3. athlon

    South China Sea Forum

    We already built something like that 2 years ago. And FYI, recently the 2nd version is in process.. :coffee:
  4. athlon

    ASEAN Affairs Forum

    I think economic challenge is just the first step, strengthening the foundation of the forum. It has a big chance to strengthen other aspects in the future. Maybe politic, military, culture, and elses. Who knows...
  5. athlon

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    1000 Anoas? :yay: sweet..
  6. athlon

    Joe Biden: "Name one innovative product from China"

    Yeah right, I've seen a Samsung phone's copy, for example. And guess what? Viola.. made in China.. :woot: Maybe, you need some links too? I wonder
  7. athlon

    Joe Biden: "Name one innovative product from China"

    The different is, while Japan was in copying/emulating phase of a product, they didn't sell it all around the world. If you get my point..
  8. athlon

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Valkyries.. nice pick.. :tup:
  9. athlon

    South China Sea Forum

    In my opinion, the China's coast guard was brutal. That's it. I'm off.. :coffee:
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