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  1. Nima

    Who is Ahmadinijad ?

    you are a fool to the nth degree. I can't believe how stupid you pakistanis are to believe the bull **** of a fascist theocratic state. Sometimes I'm surprised that you guys aren't in the same state as Afghanistan.
  2. Nima

    Who is Ahmadinijad ?

    be careful or they will call you jews lol These Pakistanis remind me of my own father. My dad is a communist (tudehi) and obviously he's a soviet *** kisser. He always glorifies the Soviet Union and tries to brush off their crimes as "western propaganda"!!!! When I tell him to go and talk to...
  3. Nima

    Irani nuclear program and the american concern.

    lmao :rofl:
  4. Nima

    Irani nuclear program and the american concern.

    self delete
  5. Nima

    Irani nuclear program and the american concern.

    russia and china won't support Iran. Russia is America's ***** and China simply doesn't give two shits. Just like the imposed war we will fight alone and that will only make us stronger and more defiant in the end.
  6. Nima

    Irani nuclear program and the american concern.

    read my other post. Bahrain is an Iranian province. It's not about being Persian! hell my own grand father was a qashqai (Turkish speaking tribe). IRan has been loosing territory to the West b/c of weakness. Now it's time to regain some of the impt ones.
  7. Nima

    Irani nuclear program and the american concern.

    They're mixed. Many also speak Persian and celebrate the Persian new year. A big chink of Kuwaities are also Persian. Also why do you think all the arab shias live around the Persian Gulf?? Because they all used to be part of Iran. Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, south of KSA etc... (that whole band...
  8. Nima

    Irani nuclear program and the american concern.

    wrong wrong and wrong. Iran and Turkey are both interested in Azarbaijan but not b/c they want to build empires. Iran's position: -Azarbaijan was/is an Iranian territory. -There is more Azaris in Iran than in Azarbaijan. -Azriz in Iran wish to be reunified with their brethren. turkey's...
  9. Nima

    Pakistanis suck up to Middle Easterners

    well aren't you a hypocrite! You're fascinated with Iran and obsessed with hating Iran! You're the same as the Pakistani that likes to suck up "to the Middle Easterners." lol Obsession is the same. Take your own advice, focus on your own country.
  10. Nima

    Irani nuclear program and the american concern.

    man I'm getting a headache b/c of you. Persian empire? who the hell is talking about the Persian empire? The Persian empire is done and dusted. Just b/c Iran has territory disputes it doesn't mean we are an empire lol. We lost Azarbaijan b/c Russia invaded! Same with a few other countries...
  11. Nima

    Irani nuclear program and the american concern.

    why do people talk about things they don't understand? First of all, lets not invent stuff k mate? here's the latest number on Iran's demographics. I have no ******* clue where you got 30 mill from lol. Now let me tell you something, Azarbaijan was, is and will forever be part of Iran...
  12. Nima

    Irani nuclear program and the american concern.

    you're fascination with my country amuses me. You still haven't answered me. Wahabi or...?
  13. Nima

    Irani nuclear program and the american concern.

    France gave saddam chemical weapons which killed 60k kurds (Iranic people) and Iranian citizens. Uk fought with Iran for hundreds of years and was the reason why Iran lost half its territory in the past few centuries. They then took over our country and stole our oil for decades and when we...
  14. Nima

    Abdul Malik Ragi executed

    your populations is also bigger which is also problematic.
  15. Nima

    Iran–Iraq War

    Iran wasn't really ruined. Only Khoramshahr was. I lived in Shiraz (Fars Province) which is right in the south and we occasionally got a random *** scud which would be cleared by night fall and paved by the end of the week. What ruined Iraq was the sanctions in the 90's. Imagine a country with a...
  16. Nima

    Abdul Malik Ragi executed

    That's only partly true. Another reason is that you simply can't control the masses even if you wanted. Look at the borders, look at the tribal areas, etc... Iran has had a very established central govt for quite a time now so it's easy to rule with an iron fist.
  17. Nima

    Iran–Iraq War

    stupid Iranians? who started the war? Who used mustard gas? who tried to exterminate the kurds? btw, us stupid Iranians destroyed Iraq beyond recognition since the war and now we practically control it. Saddam and all his goons were hanged by the balls and we're also seeking $ from Iraq for...
  18. Nima

    Report: IAF planes spotted over Saudi Arabia

    what international pressure? let me rephrase that actually, WHAT NON MUSLIMS GIVES A HOOT ABOUT THE HOLY SITES? lol It's the last place on a earth that a non muslim would want to visit. And Iran won't pressure the Kingdom. It will simply go Hezbollah on the kingdom and once that happens...
  19. Nima

    Abdul Malik Ragi executed

    I'm not apologizing for ****! It's a well known fact that Pakistanis, Saudis and Egyptians love to blow themselves up. I'm just surprised that you're making an issue out of these protests. What do you want Pakistan to do? send them to Evin for protesting? Not all countries are Iran and North Korea.
  20. Nima

    Abdul Malik Ragi executed

    Pakistan isn't a police state like Iran where you can shut everybody up. There would have been demonstrations in Iran's Baluchistan too if they weren't scared for their lives. And anyways how is this diff then Iraqi Kurds or Turkish Kurds demonstrating against Iran's execution of Kurds? Is it...
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