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  1. Perceptron

    High chance of Bangladesh sinking under rising sea levels

    That just means one thing :: Increasing Pole-Vaulting champions leaping across to India !!!
  2. Perceptron

    Pakistan government to betray all, Resumption of Nato Supplies by May 17!

    Unfortunately, the Pakistanis do not have any options. The state is on the verge of bankruptcy, their economy is running on bailouts from the IMF and WB (controlled by the NATO states), their main export market is the West (NATO), one of the main benefactors of the Pakistani economy are the...
  3. Perceptron

    Pakistanis: The Face of poverty in Canada.

    Pakistani-Canadians: Falling below the poverty line Pakistan-born immigrants are the new face of poverty in urban Canada. The Canadian census revealed that 44 per cent of Pakistan-born immigrants fell below the poverty line making them the second most poverty prone group of immigrants in...
  4. Perceptron

    Iran science output in future

    You do understand that this was based only on the number of journals published by Elsevier. The other journal publishers like ACM, IEEE, Springer etc. are conspicuously absent. And there is no notion of Conference publications (at least A+-Tier ones) done in this study. As i mentioned previously...
  5. Perceptron

    Cricket stadiums stand empty in Pakistan.

    Cricket stadiums stand empty in Pakistan By AFP Published: May 10, 2012 Former ICC president says PCB’s strategy is totally wrong; they are like begging teams to come which is wrong. PHOTO: RASHID AJMERI/FILE KARACHI: National Stadium in Karachi was once a dusty, sweaty hell for...
  6. Perceptron

    Pak 'terrorism accountability' bill introduced in US Congress

    Rohrabacher seems one pissed off dude ; I can only imagine what would happen when Shakil Afridi would actually be convicted of treason !!! As they say in Chinese, We seem to be living in Interesting times.
  7. Perceptron

    Iran science output 4th worldwide in 2018

    You are mistaken. The misconception of the "growth rate" you talk about is not that it is "growing" in the case of Iran but is stagnating, whereas for India it is on the ascendancy. Which means effectively in 2011, the growth rate would have further dropped for Iran and increased for India. This...
  8. Perceptron

    Iran science output 4th worldwide in 2018

    Now let me debunk your statements one-by-one. Start with 2003-2010 for all data points. Plot the Y-on-Y change. Iran's output increases slightly, peaks at 2006 (ie difference over 2005) and falls continuously. India on the other hand suffers only a marginal fall of 0.01% from 2004-2005-2006 but...
  9. Perceptron

    Iran science output 4th worldwide in 2018

    I do not know as to how this extrapolation has been done, but frankly the assessment in incomplete, incorrect and bunkum to say the least. Let us just consider Iran and India over the period of 2007 - 2010. What is the year on year change in publications for them ? You will see that while the...
  10. Perceptron

    'The Taliban are Pakistani military without uniforms'

    'The Taliban are Pakistani military without uniforms' In the wake of the first anniversary of Osama Bin Laden's killing by American elite troops, DW takes a closer look at Pakistan's "other" war in a rare interview with a prominent Baloch leader. Hyrbyar Marri is the fifth son of Nawab...
  11. Perceptron

    Go Figure !!!

    No wonder people in Pakistan say, "Ek Zardari, sab par bhaari" !!!
  12. Perceptron

    Go Figure !!!

    Sheer genius flowing in this article !!! That Papua New Guinea part was the best !!!
  13. Perceptron

    Blast near Edhi centre in Peshawar

    The number of incidents over the course of a single day have reduced, increasing from 2007-2009, and then dropping, but they still occur roughly for once a day, which was my point.
  14. Perceptron

    Blast near Edhi centre in Peshawar

    Here you go ; Check the stats for yourself. And this is just for 2012. Bomb Blasts in Pakistan, 2012
  15. Perceptron

    Blast near Edhi centre in Peshawar

    Damn, these daily dhamakas indicate the potential reach of these terrorists to strike at will.
  16. Perceptron

    How Pakistan Lets Terrorism Fester.

    How Pakistan Lets Terrorism Fester By HUSAIN HAQQANI Published: May 10, 2012 ON the anniversary of Osama bin Laden’s death last week, Pakistan was the only Muslim country in which hundreds of demonstrators gathered to show solidarity with the dead terrorist figurehead. Yet rather than...
  17. Perceptron

    Red Cross stops work in Pakistani cities

    You have pretty much hit the nail on the head on the Red part. Read through this article on understanding the Pakistani psyche of honour and pride (called "ghairat" in Urdu). Let us become — proudly — bayghairat An excerpt
  18. Perceptron

    Complete shutdown of Pakistan possible if Default ignored.

    No, if you ignore a default, it does not go away By Farooq Tirmizi Published: May 10, 2012 The energy policy calls for subsidising expensive power with money we do not have, rather than investing in cheaper sources of electricity. PHOTO: FILE KARACHI: Forget what all of the...
  19. Perceptron

    Rochdale grooming: Victim's story and Race connection.

    As i said, the level of maturity amongst Pakistani "lawyers" is so shallow, that they have to stoop to showing problems in the host country instead of the country at discussion. Should we be surprised that Baroness Flather is so out of touch? You know that Baroness Flather was correct, when...
  20. Perceptron

    Rochdale grooming: Victim's story and Race connection.

    Indians are definitely much better in terms of education, social status and assimilation than their South Asian counterparts on an average in the UK and the US. How many examples of perversion and child abuse crimes have we seen being committed by Pakistanis ? How many acts of terrorism have we...
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