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  1. A

    The Bamboo Network: Asia's Family-run Conglomerates

    If you can't substantiate it then its not worth mentioning Anyway the people on the list are still very much in control of their companies, they don't like outsider influence (its a Chinese thing). Personally I know friends who do business with family members of the Salim & Lippo group and they...
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    'Is Singapore my home, daddy?'

    No one is saying they are way ahead, that was in reference to AADHAAR statement about us being as backward as Malaysia, my statement is straightforward as "Backward" as Malaysia may appear they already had superb highways in the 90's from Johor all the way to Penang and the tip of Thailand. I...
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    'Is Singapore my home, daddy?'

    When Singapore joined Malaysia she already had here own government system (courtesy of the British), from the transcripts seems people not treated fairly which led to a disgruntlement in the populace. I suppose the Malaysia government at the time had two options, remove the government in...
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    The Bamboo Network: Asia's Family-run Conglomerates

    Lets do any comparisons with countries, otherwise the thread will slowly go awry
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    The Bamboo Network: Asia's Family-run Conglomerates

    It might be old but still very relevant, most of the families in the article are still in power. And its hard to find documented data on these families/networks as good as this. Won't be surprised, in fact I was surprised when a Thai billionaire bidded against Heineken for a takeover of Tiger...
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    The Bamboo Network: Asia's Family-run Conglomerates

    Hi, This is an interesting article which sums up the influence and power of the Overseas Chinese Families in South East Asia. Many of them came from China dirt poor and penniless and literally build their way to the top. But more importantly they built up huge businesses in a country...
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    'Is Singapore my home, daddy?'

    Kolaps, you jump from dissing Lee Kuan Yew to something else altogether. Quite odd Class difference is everywhere (Chinese among Chinese, White among Whites etc), no offence you either sound ashamed to be Chinese or incensed at some ancient history? In South East Asia, Chinese have proven to...
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    'Is Singapore my home, daddy?'

    And how does that tie in with my post? Sorry maybe I am missing the plot here
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    'Is Singapore my home, daddy?'

    Thanks AM, I agree on your statement but our views differ on the issue of race. I had the good fortune of working with many great Indians on the job an I really respect the working attitude of those I come to contact with. Of course there are certain Indians who have a different outlook of...
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    'Is Singapore my home, daddy?'

    Thanks, as forum people go AADHAAR isn't too bad. Least he got some reasoning in his logic (barring the racist stuff), I decided to reply him mainly because I'm quite fed up of how Foreigners view Singapore as we need them here (most of these individuals comes from the finance industry) Most of...
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    'Is Singapore my home, daddy?'

    Welcome to the forum thought I was the only Sinkie here lol
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    'Is Singapore my home, daddy?'

    MAte, I am really curious to know how you came to that conclusion. No seriously tell me thanks I am 3rd Generation Singapore Chinese, grandparents hailed from this area called Fujian province in some small village which I forgot the name of. Parents were raised and bred in Singapore.
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    'Is Singapore my home, daddy?'

    Okay lets lay down some ground factors which contributed to Singapore success Since the 80’s Singapore manage to attract foreign investment mainly in export-oriented manufacturing, petroleum refining and shipping; production of goods and services for the domestic economy. These were the...
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    'Is Singapore my home, daddy?'

    I try not to discriminate (ultimately everyone at some level does), Singaporeans can be an odd lot I have seen racist terms used on Indians, Pinoys and other nationality by the Singaporean Chinese which makes me uncomfortable and this is not what Singapore represents. On the other I once seen a...
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    'Is Singapore my home, daddy?'

    No offence but your views are BS, Singapore was strong due to a strong government which created a stable nation and attracting FDI which hired many locals which in turn built this nation. And this was way before investment bank ever came into the picture. Your statement reminds me of some other...
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    'Is Singapore my home, daddy?'

    Read your sentence below, clearly you have a few things on your mind 1. Just because you pay low low taxes, and rental to your landlord and pay GST you feel that your contribution to the nation is more than enough that the 80% of the local populace who do not benefit from your rental or...
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    'Is Singapore my home, daddy?'

    Truth be told I am not sure how the biotech industry here is doing, alot of rah rah and investment by the government at one point but a friend of mine went in the industry found the prospects and pay quite low and decided to work in the US. Anyway dun let the sentiments distract ya, Singapore...
  18. A

    'Is Singapore my home, daddy?'

    So what if Shell pumped in FDI, would they have done so if the Singapore government was unstable? They could have choose Malaysia or Indonesia no? They needed a location in ASEAN and Singapore was the ideal choice quid pro quo. China also benefitted from FDI and so did India, are you saying...
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