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  1. smooth manifold

    China's quantum satellite links with world's first mobile ground station

    http://www.ecns.cn/news/sci-tech/2020-01-03/detail-ifzsiwze9785783.shtml China's quantum satellite -- Quantum Experiments at Space Scale (QUESS) -- has successfully linked up with the world's first mobile quantum ground station and conducted an encrypted data transmission in Jinan, Shandong...
  2. smooth manifold

    Chinese Alzheimer's drug to undergo global clinical trials

    An innovative Chinese Alzheimer's drug that hit the domestic market last week, will go through clinical trials on 2,000 patients overseas in 2020. The orally administered drug GV-971 will be tested in 200 clinical centers in North America, the European Union, Eastern Europe, Asia Pacific and...
  3. smooth manifold

    China's first 10,000-ton maritime patrol vessel under construction

    http://www.ecns.cn/cns-wire/2020-01-08/detail-ifzsiwze9788412.shtml (ECNS) -- Construction has begun on China's first 10,000-ton maritime patrol vessel, which will become the country's largest and best-equipped ship of its kind, the Guangdong Maritime Safety Administration said at a press...
  4. smooth manifold

    Americans are retiring to Vietnam, for cheap healthcare and a decent standard of living

    your days are numbered. we're gonna clean these foreign trash soon. we'll see.
  5. smooth manifold

    Americans are retiring to Vietnam, for cheap healthcare and a decent standard of living

    the westerners get white privilege everywhere except in their own continents. It's obviously a post colonial mindset and @Viet is proud of it.
  6. smooth manifold

    1,000 Japanese lawmakers, businesspeople to visit Vietnam

    haha. cars==tech haha typical narrow minded and short-sighted vietnemses. how many US cars in Japan Does that mean US is lagging behind Japan?
  7. smooth manifold

    Across China: Cross-border e-commerce boosts trade in China-Vietnam border county

    you're a joke on PDF and humiliate your folks everytime you post.
  8. smooth manifold

    Huawei seeks an alliance with other Chinese firms to push US giant out of Asia

    Huawei is the world's largest telecommunication manufacturer. it's not a cellphone factory. You're a laughing stock if you think Huawei just makes cellphones.
  9. smooth manifold

    Huawei seeks an alliance with other Chinese firms to push US giant out of Asia

    That's typical Vietnmaesae inferior mindset. not surprised.
  10. smooth manifold

    1,000 Japanese lawmakers, businesspeople to visit Vietnam

    It's not racism. you and japanese are both non-whites/black/brown. same race.
  11. smooth manifold

    Americans are retiring to Vietnam, for cheap healthcare and a decent standard of living

    Don't worry. Europe/North America have the strictest child pporn ban.
  12. smooth manifold

    Americans are retiring to Vietnam, for cheap healthcare and a decent standard of living

    you have wisdom, bro. Maybe not all of them, I get your point. these westerners live like a king in Vietnam.
  13. smooth manifold

    Americans are retiring to Vietnam, for cheap healthcare and a decent standard of living

    hehe. I hope so. I bet white males are the most interested in Vietnam.
  14. smooth manifold

    China launches TEN destroyers in 2019: Type 055 x2, Type 052D x8.

    Obviously, no one can break this record unless WW3. This is insane!
  15. smooth manifold

    China launched 9 destroyers in 2019

    27 Dec 2019 is a miracle day 1.the 6th also the final C919 airliner prototype made a maiden flight 2.dual launch of the 23rd 052D & the 6th 055 destroyers 3.return-to-flight of China's most powerful rocket Long March 5
  16. smooth manifold

    China launched 9 destroyers in 2019

    I bet this record will not be broken until WW3.
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