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  1. C

    Iraq approves revival of nuke program for peaceful purposes

    thought nuke and nuclear meant the same, article's fault then. But this won't happen for at least the next 5 years be assured, there's no money for it and security isn't good enough for such a strategic site.
  2. C

    Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

    Long live General Sa'adi
  3. C

    NATO HQ to open in Kuwait

    kuwait is the HQ for CJTF-OiR. Just means NATO wants to expand presence in the ME and increase the mission as part of OP inherent resolve which makes sense since this year they're expanding training to iraq
  4. C

    Iraq approves revival of nuke program for peaceful purposes

    netanyahu should pay back for the Tammuz reactor. @500 When are you paying
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    Iraq approves revival of nuke program for peaceful purposes

    Iraq approves revival of nuke program for peaceful purposes Iraqi President Fuad Masum has approved the revival of the country’s nuclear program for peaceful purposes, the presidential administration of Iraq said in a message Jan. 11. The revival of the nuclear program is fully consistent with...
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    Iraq's war against IS terrorism | Updates and Discussions

    the federal police advances in Mosul
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    Iranian Arms Shipment Seized En-Route to Yemen

    Clear a major town, then we'll talk. Until then it's a failed operation. The difference with the fight on isis, major urban battles have taken place to clear towns. CJTF-OiR have the superior firepower to kill civillians from the air, that we don't call progress, you call it progress in Yemen...
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    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    Now, after clearing iraq and syria the root has to be targeted
  9. C

    Iranian Arms Shipment Seized En-Route to Yemen

    Richest Arab monkeys attacking the poorest Arab state with US support.. and still failing at the objectives, not impressed. The current situation is very static, ask yourself. What if the 'coalition lol' operation ends which it will one day, the Houthis/Saleh side will gain the edge again.
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    Iraq, Turkey agree on withdrawing Turkish troops from Iraq's Bashiqa

    He doesn't want to withdraw, just empty promises but at this point it does not matter much anymore, The political objective against the Bashiqa camp has already been achieved, Nujaifis have not been able to make a move in/around Mosul, Turkey was unable to prevent Baghdad from taking...
  11. C

    Dead bodies of Islamic State fighters dumped with trash: Nineveh official

    Ye u got TTP, every now and then they blow something up, it's not over. heard before that they're over only to hear about a massive attack a few days later. Now bye
  12. C

    Dead bodies of Islamic State fighters dumped with trash: Nineveh official

    So you don't wanna carry eh? Kindly you and the TTP keep doing yourself a favor by carrying bodies of you loved ones and keep crying. i was talking to someone without a brain, let me drop this.
  13. C

    Dead bodies of Islamic State fighters dumped with trash: Nineveh official

    @!eon do you personally want to carry stinking dead isis bodies and give them a nice burial? risking getting a disease from it. Do it then, don't tell others to do it. That aside, more areas in Mosul have been liberated today by the CTS.
  14. C

    Dead bodies of Islamic State fighters dumped with trash: Nineveh official

    All important countries are on our side in this fight(cjtf-oir), russia and their allies, china, japan etc., they aren't watching. we aren't iranians either, though then i can call you indians, what's the difference? i cant believe people make a problem out of this news lol. dogs are...
  15. C

    Dead bodies of Islamic State fighters dumped with trash: Nineveh official

    if they (locals actually) wanna throw them in the trash it'll happen, nothing you can do about it, keep crying.
  16. C

    Dead bodies of Islamic State fighters dumped with trash: Nineveh official

    No, it's normal civilised people fighting wahabi isis. And if you disagree with that then you're no different from the TTP either, after all in the eyes of the white man what differs you and them? You want to play that game? Westerner: TTP terror in Pakistan: Mooozlems killing moozlems.
  17. C

    Iraq orders China's CH-5, citing 95% mission hit accurcy of CH-4, better than US UAVs

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