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  1. E

    The Problem of Urdu

    First off, the writer is completely bonkers. His lack credibility is shown clearly when he calls India a fourth-world nation, with excrement in the streets and all, and says 99% of Pakistanis can afford a cable connection. And really? He feels Hindi is an alien language? Even though it was...
  2. E

    India:Muslims want curbs on Hindu procession

    Oh so we have to tolerate Azaans, but they don't have to tolerate a marriage procession? The Constitution says every religion gets equitable treatment, which is clearly not the case if Hindus have to stop their activities to please every other dude.
  3. E

    'Father' of Pakistan's atomic bomb doubts North Korea will deploy nukes

    Accuracy matters less? When the whole discussion about accuracy was started by a guy who I'm countering? Unbelievable.
  4. E

    'Father' of Pakistan's atomic bomb doubts North Korea will deploy nukes

    Pakistani Ballistic Missile Test Failed | Defense News | defensenews.com Says the person who does not differentiate explosions and disintegrations? Also it would be a great help if people learnt the meaning of accuracy, considering some people think a missile that falls within 10m of the...
  5. E

    'Solar shirt' to charge your cellphone, tablet

    Hope I get this shirt soon here. My phone and IPod discharge at all the wrong times. Also I find it hard to believe that a scientist refers to Watts as energy, when it's power.
  6. E

    Indian SOG gets killed by his own gun in IOK

    Even better. A foreign country killing people with their leaders' permission. :rofl:
  7. E

    India:Muslims want curbs on Hindu procession

    Unbelievable. :no: If any Hindu asks for 5 times a day Muslim prayers to be stopped for disrupting our sleep, we'll probably have a fatwa against us. :lol:
  8. E

    Pakistan may be working on MREV

    I don't know about the Shaheen, but DRDO has been quoted saying that Agni V will have MIRV.
  9. E

    'Father' of Pakistan's atomic bomb doubts North Korea will deploy nukes

    Yeah right. 10m sq. CEP is astray. It was not an Indian missile that fell on a village. It was a Pakistani missile.
  10. E

    US DEFCON Warning system - Condition Yellow

    Oops forgot about those. :D Either way, Pentagon, the White House, all the Forts, bases for Carrier Groups and all these are in USA. So they may not be knocked out of the fight, but they will be severely weakened.
  11. E

    US DEFCON Warning system - Condition Yellow

    But an EMP explosion will destroy all capabilit of USA's retaliation. No electricity means no radar, no communications, no anti-missile system, no electric systems in airplanes: no fly-by-wire, and nothing else. USA relies almost completely on electric systems for it's warfare.
  12. E

    US DEFCON Warning system - Condition Yellow

    EMPs work best when the explosion is way up in the atmosphere, not on the ground. So any direct affect of the nuke will be the fallout from the explosion, but indirectly shut down all electric systems in most of USA. Now the only problem with this is that they don't even have a missile that...
  13. E

    'Father' of Pakistan's atomic bomb doubts North Korea will deploy nukes

    The fact is, North Korean MRBM tech is outdated, the Nodong is their only MRBM that even reaches the ground, and that has terrible accuracy. Copying or buying from them is like "pair pe kulhadi maarna" :lol: If the greatest range of any operational missile in Pakistan is 2500 km, and India has...
  14. E

    'Father' of Pakistan's atomic bomb doubts North Korea will deploy nukes

    And you use Chinese and Korean missiles. :coffee: Couple of weeks? We got the bomb 24 years before Pakistan.
  15. E

    Tejas aircraft deficient in at least 100 technical parameters

    Which is already being done with MiG, Sukhoi and Dassault aircraft. It was good to have tried to build a 4.5 gen fighter, because without it, we would just move into the 5th Gen with no prior knowledge, and completely screw up the AMCA. For one, India will get a Light Aircraft cheaper than...
  16. E

    Dear Indians | We are NOT west Germany

    Jainism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia There we go, I found what I was looking for. :D
  17. E

    Dear Indians | We are NOT west Germany

    He's obviously met a lot of Jains. Their philosophy goes beyond not eating animals. It extends to not hurting animals in anyway whatsoever, so eggs, which are future animals are non-veg for them. Don't know about milk, but I have heard that onions, mushrooms, and a lot of vegetables are also not...
  18. E

    Dear Indians | We are NOT west Germany

    My onion statement was in relation to Aeronaut's statement. In any case, even the eggs don't apply here, as I have known a lot of terribly conservative Brahmin families, and even they permitted eggs. And Jains, the only major religious group who don't eat eggs, are still a minority, so saying "a...
  19. E

    Dear Indians | We are NOT west Germany

    And how is that related to Hinduism as OP states? As far as I know, the only Indians who don't eat onions are Jains. Stop associating Indians exclusively with Hindus. We're a multicultural society.
  20. E

    Tejas aircraft deficient in at least 100 technical parameters

    Really? You think having LCA ready would have stopped MMRCA? The key point here is the letter "L" and "M". Having or not having a Light Combat Aircraft would in no way affect the acquisition of Medium Combat Aircraft.
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