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  1. Shaped charge

    India Hedges its Bets by Looking for Homegrown Surface-to-air Missiles

    the S-400 system has the benefit of different types of missiles for different threats, why waste a ABM capable missile on a fighter, 40N6, 9M96 and 48N6 give lots of options but i'm sure we'll have to break the bank for these :(
  2. Shaped charge

    Can an Chinese Person translate this for me?

    well i was waiting for more info on the new AAA system and all i see is arguments of who is a real representative of hongkong's opinion :offpost:
  3. Shaped charge


    Waffen SS, arguably one of the best infantry of all times wasted because of a mad man's super human ego... Allied air and Soviet artillery had a field day on them because of Hitler's no retreat order thus negating the German army's main strength = maneuver warfare. one of the greatest what-ifs...
  4. Shaped charge

    Will J-31 slow down F-35 sale? : Indian Perspective

    the money involved in the program is beyond the cancellation point, JSF will see more delays but can't be cancelled, too many countries have too much stake on it..the entire USAF,USMC, USN and a plethora of european airforces have based their future on this aircraft
  5. Shaped charge

    US pastor Terry Jones arrested after threats to burn Holy Quran

    Although not very religious myself, but this kinda stunt brings shame to us christians, hope they lock him up for a long time
  6. Shaped charge

    Indian Special Forces

    is that a FN P-90 or TAR-21 carbine in the COBRA operative?
  7. Shaped charge

    Question about ladies being war-fighter pilot.

    Although not in the jet age, female aces like Lidya Litvyak(12 kills) from WWII prove that women can be as capable given the right determination and training, also the Night witches( flying night bombing missions behind enemy lines n no night capable equipments) can be an inspiration for all...
  8. Shaped charge

    Use of Chemical Weapons by India

    lol u mean the head of Pakistani nuclear research listens to indian scientist's orders?
  9. Shaped charge

    Chemical attack was rebel provocation, former captives say

    from a neutral point of view Assad looks like a far better option than those cannibal extremists, hope the Russian proposal is implemented and Syrians see peace...good luck brother
  10. Shaped charge

    WZ-10 and WZ-19 Photos, many and many of them.

    what was the reason for it, the 25 mm is supposed to have better penetration n higher velocity...could it be the frequent jams with that gun, 23 mm is a good choice giving commonality with the ZSU-23s used in APCs n AAA units though
  11. Shaped charge

    Use of Chemical Weapons by India

    proliferation of weapons and tech? i thought that was ur department, remember AQ khan?
  12. Shaped charge

    Chemical attack was rebel provocation, former captives say

    it is sad when a democratic revolution ends up turning into a religious conflict, rebels chewing human organs and burning holy places of other religions has unfortunately made a dictator look like a saner option :undecided:
  13. Shaped charge

    WZ-10 and WZ-19 Photos, many and many of them.

    which gun was finalized 23/25 or 30 mm for the production model?
  14. Shaped charge

    WZ-10 and WZ-19 Photos, many and many of them.

    that is all i wanted to know, a sound design is useless without a good power plant..thank god atleast someone can discuss without dragging other countries into it:cheers:
  15. Shaped charge

    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions

    on what parameters is JF-17 superior to the F-15J?
  16. Shaped charge

    WZ-10 and WZ-19 Photos, many and many of them.

    i do agree on indigenization but since we are lacking in the engine department i don't mind imports so long as the LCH flies...even china still imports engines from Russia btw
  17. Shaped charge

    WZ-10 and WZ-19 Photos, many and many of them.

    lol can't answer a simple question without dragging other countries in? btw u really american or a chinese with american flag on?
  18. Shaped charge

    Pakistan's Special Operations Forces: SSG | SSGN | SSW | SOW | SOG

    the 14.5mm and 37mm could be from the Chinese supplies during the afghan war
  19. Shaped charge

    Special: Eye on China, India building 8 ALGs in Arunachal Pradesh

    dude what u smoking? believe me even though we lost in 62, there was hell of a fight n it ain't 62 now...we will defend our homeland against any invasion
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