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  1. RedBaron

    Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani

    The scanned copies of the dossier is available at The Hindu : Mumbai Terror attacks - Dossier of evidence Apol. if someone has already posted this before!
  2. RedBaron

    Pakistan and India...Why can't we be friends?

    Are you kidding me? If India and Pakistan become good friends: - both India and Pakistan would need to look for someone else to blame for their respective problems - cricket matches would not be as exciting - media folks in both countries would starve - the global military industry would...
  3. RedBaron

    Air Force Question Thread

    Not so fast, my young friend. The US drones may end up saving your soldiers lives. I'm guessing you have not watched the below documentary. http://www.defence.pk/forums/war-terror/18954-pakistans-war-documentary.html If you had, you would have seen first-hand the dangers facing your...
  4. RedBaron

    Pakistan's War - Documentaries

    On the elint issue, as per today's WSJ, this is now apparently in place and PA now has access to Predator drone video feeds in FATA. Pakistan and U.S. Rebuild Strained Military Ties - WSJ.com On the humint factor, I disagree there was intel failure on ISI's part. After all, it had (until...
  5. RedBaron

    Pakistan's War - Documentaries

    Re: tanks, are coalition forces using them in Afghanistan at all? If so are they faring better due to better armour/newer tanks? I know terrain is not really tank country, but maybe PA can learn from coalition experience with mechanized infantry/armor in Afghanistan. Drones could be useful here...
  6. RedBaron

    Pakistan's War - Documentaries

    S2: great observations, mate. When I saw the documentary and the challenges PA/FC face in Bajaur, I could not help but compare it to the "whack the mole" situations that coalition forces face in Afghanistan. I was also struck by the sight of tanks retreating from the Taliban counter-attack on...
  7. RedBaron

    The Battle for Bajaur - PA seizes control

    Wrong. Back-office ops and technology are critical functions that cannot be turned off. Revenue growth of Indian IT companies may not be 40% but are more than 20% which is still healthy. The Indian economy as a whole is more resilient than many Western ones like Ireland which has all but...
  8. RedBaron

    Hamas to rely on guerrilla tactics against Israel

    I think worse than numb, the Arabs and Palestinian Authority is clueless about getting out of the quagmire. Hamas is sponsored by Syria and Iran, and hated by KSA, Jordan and Egypt. Palestinian Authority criticizes the violence but does not want to ride to power atop Israeli tanks. Israel...
  9. RedBaron

    IAF Ouragan Captured by PAF

    Murad-sir, this is very true...in fact, I think of all PVC winners, Flg Off Sekhon is the least mentioned. Even though he did not have a kill to his name, the very fact that he fought single-handedly against PAF vets and paid the ultimate sacrifice means he should be celebrated as one of India's...
  10. RedBaron

    India to ink largest-ever defence deal with the US soon

    The Indian military market is huge and will only grow in future, so if Russia does not want to be a player, it will lose out which is not what Russia wants. The P8I deal will not worry Russia as there are other deals with Russia in the works (Gorshkov/Flankers/PakFa/maybe Russian reactors?)...
  11. RedBaron

    India to ink largest-ever defence deal with the US soon

    These "Year of X in Y" are nothing special and have happened for years. What Russia would be watching closely is India's position on key issues that pit Russia against US, i.e. Baltic states/Ukraine/Georgia/Missile Shield.
  12. RedBaron

    Indians Loosing Momentum on Propoganda against Pakistan?

    The world has moved on from Mumbai crisis and spotlight is now firmly on Gaza crisis. Condi Rice has cancelled her China visit to focus on Gaza crisis. Chidambaram will probably get some face-time with Obama/Clinton but they will probably also be preoccupied with Gaza. And Israel has signalled...
  13. RedBaron

    Israel Bombs Gaza - Hundreds Dead

    I am the first to admit that a professional army among a civilian population causes terrible physical and mental suffering to civilians. Armies are harsh when dealing with civilian insurgencies. But remember: Indian army deployment in Kashmir was a response, NOT to civilian non-violent protests...
  14. RedBaron

    Israel Bombs Gaza - Hundreds Dead

    Police shooting peaceful protestors happened in South Africa civil rights struggle and during India's freedom struggle. But it did not prevent independence. The point I'm trying to make here is: luckily for India, in Kashmir there is nobody with the stature of Mandela, Arafat, Martin Luther...
  15. RedBaron

    Israel Bombs Gaza - Hundreds Dead

    Wrong. Remember, the Brits ruled India because they made Profit. i.e. their revenues from India exceeded their cost. WW II did not change that. India suffered no bombardment and did not suffer significant loss of life or property unlike Europe. The markets were running, transport was...
  16. RedBaron

    Israel Bombs Gaza - Hundreds Dead

    If the Kashmiris, to a man, came out on the streets to protest against India in a non-violent manner, just like the blacks did in South Africa and Indians did in the days of the Raj, the Indian government would be in big trouble. The rest of the world would not ignore peaceful protestors being...
  17. RedBaron

    Israel Bombs Gaza - Hundreds Dead

    Hamas has ZERO support from most of the world's nations. It probably has support only from Iran and Syria. Even within Arab League, Egypt, Jordan and KSA are against Hamas. It was difficult to convince Arab League even to convene its meeting. Hamas is a terrorist organization that actively...
  18. RedBaron

    Afghanistan: Everything on sale here

    On the streets here, tales of corruption are as easy to find as kebab stands. Everything seems for sale: public offices, access to government services, even a person’s freedom. The above mentioned examples — $25,000 to settle a lawsuit, $6,000 to bribe the police, $100,000 to secure a job as a...
  19. RedBaron

    RAW network in Afghanistan behind Pak destabilisation

    I doubt it :)...if indeed Baluchistan is quietening down, the credit really goes to the Pak govt and Baluch people for working things out. Its not easy for a proxy war to be "switched off" after a CBG meeting...similar signs are happening in Kashmir after recent NC victory and record voter...
  20. RedBaron

    RAW network in Afghanistan behind Pak destabilisation

    Yes, so if there are other low-risk alternatives to create instability (Balochistan), why would India go for the high-risk route? As far as economic activity goes, Balochistan, with its rich gas/coal/minerals reserves and deep-sea ports is far more important than FATA, which frankly is a...
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