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  1. F

    Chinese - enters China Space Station (3:00pm ) ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

    Many Congrats to Our Chinese Friends ... Beautifuuul Achievement !!!
  2. F

    Must Watch Documentary On Afghanistan.

    It seems extremely Interesting. It's a long one though. Please summerize some of it, I'll certainly watch it later.
  3. F

    Egyptian ex-president Mubarak on life support

    Jazzak Allah Kher
  4. F

    Egyptian ex-president Mubarak on life support

    Hope for the best, Bro ..
  5. F

    Give Pervez Musharraf Support

    Keep up with your worthless rants !!!
  6. F

    India raises Dalai Lama security after Chinese 'plot'

    India's playing with Fire. Good !!! Ask some of your Indian friend he'd tell you what he means ;)
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    Egyptian ex-president Mubarak on life support

    I hope things remain calm and peaceful. God forbid, do you see any tense situations coming ahead ?
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    Musharraf, The Only Hope for Pakistan

    We are well aware of Musharraf phobics zeal against him. They can touch down any level.
  9. F

    Egyptian ex-president Mubarak on life support

    Mehmoud How are things in Egypt now. Heard the Akhwan government is dismantaled.
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    An Interesting Imran Khan's Interview By Julian Assange

    An Interesting Imran Khan's Interview By Julian Assange The Julian Assange Show: Imran Khan (E9) - YouTube
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    Musharraf, The Only Hope for Pakistan

    Difference Between Musharraf's Developing Era and The PPP & PML(N)'s Plundering Era !!! Aaj Kamran Khan Kay Saath - 19th June 2012 - YouTube
  12. F

    Musharraf's Developing Era and The PPP & PML(N)'s Plundering Era !!!

    Clear Difference Between Musharraf's Developing Era and The PPP & PML(N)'s Plundering Era !!! Aaj Kamran Khan Kay Saath - 19th June 2012 - YouTube
  13. F

    Egyptian ex-president Mubarak on life support

    Please don't say something like this. Leave it on Allah SWT, He's all knowing, all powerful.
  14. F

    Give Pervez Musharraf Support

    Thanks for sharing the pages, Bro ...
  15. F

    PPP begins protests; Imran Khan/PTI posters burned

    Are things Ok in Lahore. Need to reach home safe :/
  16. F

    Musharraf, The Only Hope for Pakistan

    People's Voice Opinion Poll / Express Tribune Tuesday 19th June 2012 In your opinion, which era was better? Musharraf era (80%, 439 Votes) PPP current era (20%, 110 Votes) Total Voters: 549 The Express Tribune – Latest Breaking Pakistan News, Business, Life, Style...
  17. F

    India 'likes' Israel the most after US and UK: Embassy

    You've just summerized it up so well, brother. Thank You. That is the great defienation of Indian Hindus (All Indian Nationalists).
  18. F

    Burma's genocide of minorities

    Sad affairs of our world :cry:
  19. F

    Man murdered for marrying Muslim girl

    ''Secular'' India's Real Face Shown by an Indian
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