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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    :omghaha: Who do you think that you are? You wouldn't be able to halt the supplies to our country for long but we afghans have the capability to halt the supply for most part of your country by giving arms to pashtuns in Karaachi
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    It is difficult to argue with someone doesn't accept that simple fact that pashtuns are today redicalized because of Panjabis polices. Panjabis are building modern schools and universities in Panjab and other areas but they have turn the pashtun areas to the center of quranic schools or...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Thank you very much for your post! As I said earilier you are the only one in this forum who knows very well the situationa and is able to analyzie situation in a very realistic way. Although I don't agree with you in some details and overall I agree with your analysis. I personally have...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Really, This is what you have been doing in all past years. Let me ask you a personal question, Are you a pashtun?
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Exactly and this is what pakistani is trying very hard to achieve. Again you pakistanis are wrongly focusing on wrong issues. As a patriot pakistani why should ask yourselves why a good goverment in afghanistan is unfriendly to you? What is the reason that of all 204 countries of the world we...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    If you have so much faith of the loyality of pashtun living in pakistan then why can't you organise a big press conference or a jirga inside pakistan where they proclaim once for all that they are happy with Pakistan( inside Pakistan) and that they don't want to join Afghanistan and they do not...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    This doesn't proof anything even pashtuns have welcome usama bin ladan also on the notion of islamic brotherhood and pashtuns would welcome even a mulism from Somalia or Malaysia as well. To use islam in order to trap pashtuns inside Pakistan was a very low trick by panjabis and junna They...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    The land belongs to pashtuns, baloches and other people living there so it is up to them to determin where and how they want to live, this has been the offcial position of Afghanistan but as panjabis considers themseleves they illagimate child of Angrez they claimed of inheriting these land form...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    SO you admit that the plot against the prosperity of afghans and Afghanistan is made in Pakistan? Karzai doesn't mention any name he just say to fight those who sends you to kill afghans. The only bastard are those who give themselves the right to train/fund/aide/shelter to terrorist and send...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Farhan, So you admit that you can read in pashto but are not able to write and you are totally fine with this because panjabis have also the same situation. How do you think the status of pashto would be in Pakistan in the next 40-50 years? Are you sure that you children or grand children...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    I agree with you. I have to also admit that I was shocked when I for the first time talked to pashtun who said that he was proud Pakistani and after a while I noticed that the majority of pakistani pashtuns are indeed proud about being pakistani which is understandable giving how the situation...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    The case is closed for pakistanis and this has been the official position of Pakistan for the past 60 years. For us afghans, the case is not closed. We do not recognize this imposed line as international border and we want this issue to be settled through a fair refrandum among pashtun and...
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    Afghan, Pakistani Forces Clash

    What is a credibale source to you?
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Thats bullshit which is spread by **** media
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Well, I can assure you that they are lots of people who wants this but out fear for themselves or their family they don't want to bring this issue on up. And I stop calling me a retarded because I if you continue so then I have to call you son of cheap prositue of Heera Mandai where you born and...
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    Afghan, Pakistani Forces Clash

    Farhan If you were living at the time when Angrez where ruling on indian subcontinent, I assume you would be very proudlu serve on their army as soldier or officers, wouldn't you? Seems that you are not reading the news very well, FYI your army has set up a number of checkposts inside...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Exactly, you are the only pakistani who knows very deeply the situation and somehow you accepted the ISI involvment. Other pakistanis who leave comments here either don't know the reality or they are trying to hide it.
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    You wanna know something funny? The people in Pakistan who hate Afghans the most are Pashtuns! I have met so many Pashtuns who curse every Afghani. So while you live in your delutions, the reality is that it is not punjabis who hate you people, it's your own pushtuns :lol: Well, If you really...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    You seemed to be a nasty moron trying hard to pose as smart man I don't hate any ethnicity based on their race, language, color of their skin and etc, So the reason that I dislike panjab is not because of some of their features but it is because these people are the enemy of my nation. Panjabis...
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Lots of people from KPK or Panjab served in the colonial army had also the same mentality to follow the order of their masters. Totally wrong, These two distanct people doesn't share anything exept religon which has been used by panjabis establishment as a factor of unity and by creating the...
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