They think they like israeli can hit larger neighbor into submission easily and destroy our armed force and take control maybe Sumatra land. But
How they do that with pops only size like JKT city?
Kecuali main strategi atritisi mungkin
Maybe like turkey have many internal conflict with archipelagic form. Fortunatly our neughboor in good condition not chaotic like mideast
Are police need armed drone like turkish have hehehe, ANKA maybe good :guns:
((MErekA ngungsi krnNa takut Prrang konplek dgn TnI dan OpM jadI mrkA ngNgsi...
Sakti vest is good, it used by kostrad and we often see it during parade but realy with that large name tag???
Philipine has buy kunduz almim from fnss hope turks push philipine to add kaplan for theor inventory
Some site like ahvel said turkey cannot fly their f16 because purge etc and cannot use it but i see incredible turk used their f16 and bombing and shot down syrian aircraft
OMSP from TNI i think, tni must streghten NRBC warfare aspect beacuse it is very usefull with recently corona outbreak and batan indah incident
At least we are in better condition than our turkish arkadas they expelled from f35 (but with recent event turkish now agaon
Ah.. so the malaysia have very strength relation with turkey (kl summit etc, tfx plan) and we join UAE front? After that malaysia and indonesia have skirmish supported by...
Baru denger merkr ferfrans. Kynya di AS sndiri ga trlalu boom
UAE juga menggeliat, mgkn bisa saingannya turki (scr politik sih iya) utk indhan apalagi UAE lbh stabil dan lbh funya fulusss
S-60 strongest ever, stronger than dvina, have anti jamming system
Sig AR 15 m400 maybe if i see yhe stock and the muzzle. Police alsi use sig made rifle sig mcx
And the bocah pic taifib member carry cz bren.
(Yg lucu kostrad pake scar taifib pakai bren. Both gun apple to apple)
Hmm anyone know what TNI unit carry ak 103? The navy? As i know ak 103 usually carried by brimob
Maybe kcr or patrol boat... BAKAMLA?
Btw exocet procurement and mistral nice to see it. And what about exocet fore bench?
Danish Dutch English emmmm just remember about royal conflict in europe during 17th century :D (why not swedish join? Nah it is realy Royal war in europe)
Also We must have a precesionn mold to cast the blisk
@Jatosint, jgn kuatir, european royal fam, has doing many bloodsheed since 17th...
Turbo jet engine likely difficult to mastering, like of we see turkey they have masering missile design, seeker, electronic but the engine still imported from french or other country. Engine is must
woah nasams
Damen omega??? Wkwkkwk
I think it is threat to security also it has related with nuclear power development.
So, likely we need more training for nubika
Turk submarine, likely navy prefer german sub and interest with french sub.
17.000 is for Tamtama/bintara recruitment right? Because anak sma think only "jadi tentara ya masuk akmil kalo kd strip satu ora lah gimana sih lu"
Me : .....??????
Cirit read as Jirit (C is Jim and Ç read as ce)
Oh also their aerospace indsutry TAI :)
(TAI in turkey caled TUSAŞ)
Yeah dont know why they like to escape and spreading the virus etc. This make bad image to people that contacted the disease. Like this story in my country some aids people spread their virus through toothpick (this is rumoiur btw)
Still why many people want to spread the virusesn, lie to...
Search salwa rezgi amd you found this
This media based on cyprus, as foreigner outsisde mid-east i think this is not real"turkish" media. If someone want know turkish news that contra government maybe huriyet or cnn turk
It is remind me about SARS story a chinese doctor came to HK, stay a nigt in hotel and infected many people.
Also you know a chinese girl go to french and pass screening beacuse she take paracetamol to cooling her fever. And now french get infected.