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  1. P

    Israelis worry over U.S. defense cutbacks

    Israel wants to get rid of the land it has annexed, not add more inbred illiterate Arabs to threaten us with their mass reproduction. Israel did not have a superpower like the US to back us until after we already humiliated those hundreds of millions of Arabs again and again. Six day war is...
  2. P

    Israelis worry over U.S. defense cutbacks

    Israel,without its nuclear weapons is practically nothing. This is where i stopped reading because it is pointless to debate with those who live in a separate reality. Those 30 years without nuclear weaponry or American support where we crushed 6 different nations in 6 days probably didn't...
  3. P

    Israelis worry over U.S. defense cutbacks

    If ever the US military aid were to be cut, or the US suddenly collapses for some odd reason, that would force us to annihilate every single enemy within a certain time span. So, our enemies would be wise to fear the day US collapses more than Israel. Any intelligent person knows that Iran is...
  4. P

    Israelis worry over U.S. defense cutbacks

    Israel needs protection? The last time i checked Israel was the strongest country in the most volatile and important region in the world(Energy wise). Just yesterday Israel took the first steps into becoming an Energy producing powerhouse capable of exporting billions of dollars worth of energy...
  5. P

    A Real Cruelty : This has to stop!

    Of course the guys(and women) slaughtering those animals.
  6. P

    A Real Cruelty : This has to stop!

    Those are animals, not humans.
  7. P

    To keep China at arm’s length,Japan to export arms

    What are you babbling about? Fear isn't a bad thing. If they weren't afraid then they would be stupid. This article is half a year old, by the way.
  8. P

    Made in UAE first Middle-east super car:Lykan Hypersport

    Like posting Car news in a Defense forum? If they let infants in here, anything goes i guess.
  9. P

    To keep China at arm’s length,Japan to export arms

    They are afraid... And they should be.
  10. P

    Made in UAE first Middle-east super car:Lykan Hypersport

    Go from zero to 100 in just 1.5 seconds, and die.... That car looks safe.
  11. P

    Expats alarmed as raids target illegals

    I believe he is intelligent enough to handle the proxy thing by himself. He is no fool, he knows in what a barbaric country he lives in.
  12. P

    Syria opposition opens first ‘embassy’ in Qatar

    Get along or not, all the Arab GCC states take their orders, willingly or otherwise, from KSA.
  13. P

    Syria opposition opens first ‘embassy’ in Qatar

    Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  14. P

    Syria opposition opens first ‘embassy’ in Qatar

    Come on now... Let's be serious. A little less than a day.
  15. P

    Syria opposition opens first ‘embassy’ in Qatar

    I believe Qatar is the reason so many Al-Qaida militants came to Syria and is arming them. Qatar is acting as if it were a regional power dictating how Syria will be rebuilt.
  16. P

    Arab leaders set up $1 billion Arab fund for Jerusalem

    Indeed. And we are witnessing how the soft-minded are so interlinked with the Arabs that would not even spit on them if they were on fire.
  17. P

    Syria opposition opens first ‘embassy’ in Qatar

    Qatar openly confesses to funding Islamist movements around the world. Not only that, there are countless traces of their fingers in Islamic insurgencies worldwide.
  18. P

    Syria opposition opens first ‘embassy’ in Qatar

    Worthless words from worthless greedy leaders. The day an Arab leader helps others out of selflessness is the day i go have a kebab in Afghanistan.
  19. P

    Syria opposition opens first ‘embassy’ in Qatar

    Why would i support Al-Qaeda militants? One evil is fighting a different type of evil. I would sooner they keep fighting and killing themselves, the world will be better off. One day a Salafist will think the Salafists in the GCC are not Islamic enough and blow them up like they've murdered...
  20. P

    Syria opposition opens first ‘embassy’ in Qatar

    A terrorist funding country welcomes a secular opposition filled with Al-Qaeda militants. It's about time someone taught Qatar a lesson.
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