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  1. P

    The Outsider:Jaswant Singh & Gen.Musharrff on India-Pakistan Relations

    Umm...no..thats not right. The side which is supporting justice has no need to compromise on any issue. The "Might is Right" philosophy will only cause more conflicts. And please don't tell how to talk about it. IF YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO SOLVE THE ISSUE ACCORDING TO JUST AND MORAL PRINCIPLES...
  2. P

    The Outsider:Jaswant Singh & Gen.Musharrff on India-Pakistan Relations

    India must do it at the same however. Only one party cannot do it on his side. It has to be balanced or fair. Sorry but Kashmir is first. Anyone who says do anything else, is just holding the Kashmir issue hostage to other issues. I disagree with the political suicide. Just solve the...
  3. P

    Iqbal: A new beginning, an end to misconceptions

    lol, are you that uneducated? Pakistan had an identity before British occupation. The Indus river valley civilization and Gandhara was in Pakistan. Besides everyone in Pakistan wants Sharia. Insh'Allah we will get it, don't worry. I respect Jinnah and Iqbal, but believe both the men had...
  4. P

    The Outsider:Jaswant Singh & Gen.Musharrff on India-Pakistan Relations

    Pakistan is not afraid of doing a Plebiscite in Kashmir. Only India doesn't want to live up to what Nehru said about right of Kashmiris. Sorry but your logic doesn't make any sense. Leave it for another generation? We are the next generation after our parents, why leave it for another. Lets...
  5. P

    The Outsider:Jaswant Singh & Gen.Musharrff on India-Pakistan Relations

    Forget the Kargil escapade. People have moved on from Kargil, its sort of forgotten from the memory now. I think Musharraf should be barred from politics in Pakistan because of his mistakes. He made too many. You are saying Musharraf is a liar? Well, Musharrad was never model leader for...
  6. P

    The Outsider:Jaswant Singh & Gen.Musharrff on India-Pakistan Relations

    I respect Jaswant Singh, but lets be realistic here, why doesn't the Indian government first want settle the Kashmir dispute according to just and moral principles. Its very simple. Follow the rules of the partitioning of the British Raj. Hold a Plebiscite, and see what the Kashmiri people...
  7. P

    The Outsider:Jaswant Singh & Gen.Musharrff on India-Pakistan Relations

    Lets keep focused here. Why doesn't India let the Kashmiris decide what they want? Afterall India claims to be a democracy? Well , I'm afraid nthe Kashmir conflict is going to continue. What to do? If India won't do justice then, the conflict will continue.
  8. P

    The Outsider:Jaswant Singh & Gen.Musharrff on India-Pakistan Relations

    Actually India which is not letting the Kashmiris decide what they want. Kashmir is the Palestine of Asia. Anyways, what to do I am afraid the region will be in conflict. Ok keep fighting if that is what you want.
  9. P

    The Outsider:Jaswant Singh & Gen.Musharrff on India-Pakistan Relations

    lol let us not go here in circles. Accepting the status quo is an injustice to the Kashmiris and Pakistan. Keep creating problem if thats want you want.
  10. P

    The Outsider:Jaswant Singh & Gen.Musharrff on India-Pakistan Relations

    lol, I believe the Kashmir dispute should be solved first before doing anything else? What is taking India to do her part. I believe my country has a valid point here. Like I said, although I won't like to say it, but I too believe peace between Pakistan and India will bring prosperity to the...
  11. P

    The Outsider:Jaswant Singh & Gen.Musharrff on India-Pakistan Relations

    I meant we should not be friends with India. but ofcourse this moronic forum system editing button does not work.
  12. P

    Iqbal: A new beginning, an end to misconceptions

    Why do we need to look at Iqbal and Jinnah as to how we should run our country. Just go back to the Qu'ran and Sunnah as to how we should run our country. Lets make Pakistan an Islamic state.
  13. P

    Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

    LOL France is against freedom, the very thing stands up for. Hypocrites they are. And hypocrites who supports them.
  14. P

    Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

    Again its no convincing. Same thing can be said for bikini clad women. Looking tarzan or prostitutes is oppressive. So basically you are saying that France is hiding under "Liberalism" and not what it truely stands up for "freedom." lol, idiot, stop arguing. Niqaab is not oppressive. Maybe...
  15. P

    Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

    lol idiot, weren't it you a while ago saying that the ghoonghat is not the burka? So wearing a ghoonghat is a problem because it covers the face right? LOL get a life man! many Hindu women believe in the ghoonghat. Now I'm just laughing me rear off. LOL, wearing a niqaab is a threat to...
  16. P

    Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

    not convincing, because one can simply hide a bomb in their underwear like the underwear bomber did. So what's your point? Anyone can hide a bomb anywhere and look like a civilian and where civilian clothes. Again your argument is not convincing. The same way a terrorist could wear a whigg and...
  17. P

    Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

    So they think someone elses beliefs is oppressive? lol at the French. So can't practise my religion in France even though France claims to be a land of freedom. So much for freedom of religion. LOL. May as well abne Sikh Turbans, because A SIkh can hide a magnum in a turban. LOL wow idiot, we...
  18. P

    Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

    So why not ban hats and jackets, and tuxedos? Why not ban clothes altogether? LOL I mean one can hide a gun or a daggar in a tuxedo. HAHAHA! Just like James Bond.
  19. P

    Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

    Here is a picture from the Ottoman empire. The woman on the far right is wearing niqaab. Does she look like a security cocern to you . LOOL HAHAHA. You security concern arguement is a flop!:lol: The burka itself is not in Islam. But covering the "FACE" is a mustahaab practise. Burqa is an...
  20. P

    Malaysia & Brunei rejected Acquino's invitation to meeting about S. China S

    These stupid Indians have comprehension problems. banning the niqaab is racist, its equivalent to banning the turbans of the sikhs. HAHAHA!
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