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  1. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    Haqqani network chief's son shot dead in Islamabad

    What a great news not only another big loss to the Haqqanis after Sangeen Zadran and Badruddin but he was also the person behind Zabihullah Mujahid. so rest in hell traitorous scumbag! Wish it was the NDS who took the shot, it has been a long time coming. The Haqqanis are nothing but foreign...
  2. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    Afghanistan beat Pakistan 3-0 in Kabul friendly Football match

    Afghanistan's footballers have triumphed 3-0 over Pakistan in a friendly match, the first international game played in Kabul in a decade. KABUL- The home side dominated the game from the kick-off, going three goals ahead mid-way through the second half to the delight of their rapturous...
  3. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    First ANSF independent Operation "Operation Seemorgh"

    1TV report regarding the areas cleared in Logar province.
  4. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    ANA Commandos - Trailer

    What do you base this "fact" on? Let me tell you what I think. Something very similar happend in Afghanistan approx 23 years ago. When the soviets decided to withdraw, everybody thought soon after their withdrawl the Dr.Najib regime is gonna fall immediately. Well without soviet forces the...
  5. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    ANA Commandos - Trailer

    Please do so, remember we are talking about the Armies of the two countries not another force. I have no desire for a **** measuring contest here, but afew insecure, jealous and selfish members can't tolerate the progress of the Afghan Armed forces, throwing garbage at their image give them...
  6. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    ANA Commandos - Trailer

    Could you stop derailing the thread, ya lil weasel. The Afghan National Army is under constant observation from international media, issues which are brushed under the carpet in the armies of the region are put under microscope in their case but atleast they don't shy away from facing the...
  7. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    ANA Commandos - Trailer

    Ahh the same videos all over again, not even worth discussing. I believe it's good that our enemies underestimate our capabilites, last time i checked the Arabs did the same mistake regarding Israel :D On a side-not atleast our forces don't surrender in their dozens to a bunch of cavemen with aks ;)
  8. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    ANA Commandos - Trailer

    Could you please elaborate what do you mean by that? They can only conduct hit and run attacks, which are proving a big failure as latest incidents show. They got decimated at a 37:8 ratio, do you call that success? The Taliban has been able to give Pakistan army a bloody nose in numerous...
  9. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    ANA Commandos - Trailer

    "A spokesman for the Afghan Defense Ministry said that including conventional operations, about 60 percent are now Afghan-led. Gen. Dawlat Waziri said that this means Afghans are deciding when and where to strike, but that coalition forces help with air power or ground forces if needed." Done...
  10. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    ANA Commandos - Trailer

    Do you have issues understanding the article or just like being a clown? I'm under no illusions regarding the capabilites of our forces and in the same article it quotes the Afghan MOD that 60% of the operations are executed by Afghan Forces. You are trying to paint an image where "ALL"...
  11. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    Four Afghan police dead, 16 seized in Taliban attack

    It would be rather difficult to give it a precise answer. Personally I don't think it's as serious as the media would want us to believe consider this, tens of thousands of new recruits are being accepted in the security forces at any given time now out of that number we have got >50 attacks per...
  12. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    Four Afghan police dead, 16 seized in Taliban attack

    Just another cowardly attack by the rats using the name of Islam. Unfortunately whether it's Afghan or Pakistani security forces they are both targeted using very similar tactics...
  13. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    ANA Commandos - Trailer

    Ya please get back to using your original account now, or atleast change your flags. I see your kind alot in Kabul, cheap labour eh? You parasite!
  14. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    ANA Commandos - Trailer

    I can smell something burning there, jealous maybe :p Here you go some of this may help opening your ignorant mind. Only a small fraction of these recruitment videos make it outside since usually they are aimed at TV audience. and the one I made some years back... Well if that...
  15. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    Training Afghan Forces - Hilarious!

    It's funny how much Pakistanis hate Karzai, he is actually criticized for being too soft and friendly with Pakistan back home! Anyways Karzai will leave, US will leave but inshallah our security forces are here to stay. I wouldn't hold my breath regarding change in Afghan policy after Karzai's...
  16. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    Training Afghan Forces - Hilarious!

    http://www.defence.pk/forums/general-defence/132360-pak-army-mostly-consists-punjabis-pathans-2.html Will that put a stop to your insistence? Where did this come from? :rofl: Talking of insecurity. Don't worry though our Special ops have been across the border more than once ;) I provided you...
  17. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    Training Afghan Forces - Hilarious!

    Some basic research on the history of Afghanistan could help. I have no will to insult anybody,but ppl living in houses made of glass shouldn't be throwing stones. The thread itself was made to belittle our army, Afghan Falcon dealt with it properly back then and am only responding to others now.
  18. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    Training Afghan Forces - Hilarious!

    Do you want me to post their videos? what about the thousands in B'desh? What happend to the "Death before surrender" motto? And then we have the same NATO soldiers praising their bravery, calling them their brothers and acknowledging they run towards the enemy to destroy it rather from it...
  19. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    Training Afghan Forces - Hilarious!

    I just proved the percentage of Pashtuns is not 30-40% as you claimed earlier. Pashtuns are not the majority but the biggest ethnic group in Afghanistan, ofcourse all the other groups put together are more than Pashtuns. Discrimination is a social problem related to illiteracy and 30 years of...
  20. Ahmad Shah Abdali

    Training Afghan Forces - Hilarious!

    :D looks like I hit a nerve there. We need somebody like Amrullah Saleh, enough of this "brotherhood". Let's pay whoever screws with us in the same coin. As for you, congratulation you just proved that you are nothing but an insecure moron with mental retardation stopping him from discussing in...
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