Due to Anti Russian Sanctions, nations who ignore it are operating as usual while those who use it have a massive increase cost of living which is why many are leaving for 3rd world nations. Those HK people should admit they made a mistake and return back.
Look like Japan will get nuke again, can’t wait to see Tokyo becomes a nuclear waste land with the kind of nukes we have today.
Chinese missiles are advance enough that missile defenses is useless.
People should get the covid vaccines, it is so high because people assume the worst is over and didn't bother to get vaccinate anymore despite the fact that it is not over yet. This is not like the pig flu from the west so we still need to take vaccines until covid is gone.
Just reverse engineer the tech, US broke WTO trade rules so who cares. They can block exports from China but as we can see from the Russia Ukraine war any blockage to the US and their vassal nations means nothing to the Russian Economy since the rest of the world doesn't care.
Biggest issue is that the Ming fell and we got Manchu clothing during the industrial revolution era so only those Qing Clothing can fit well today for work as they are made for industrial work.