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  1. N

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    Your wrong, Tell me which match you would enjoy more India vs nepal Or Ind vs Australia. If u choose Aus than ask yourself why.
  2. N

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    Babar missed the train, even my wife was saying, why are they not scoring at speed and she's not a cricket fan . This is a 300+ pitch, this match is India to loose now. Such a boring match, Thank god didn't bought the stadium tickets. This match is ok to watch on TV but not worth it to spend...
  3. N

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    Fking ridiculous pak batting. I was hoping 300 from pak to see some exciting match.
  4. N

    IAF airlifted over 68,000 Indian soldiers to eastern Ladakh following Galwan Valley clashes in 2020

    It just mentions very short period of time. I guess within 3 months , because 1st 3 months saw maximum activity of troops movement.
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    ICC Cricket World Cup 2023: Matches Discussion & News | 50 Over ODI Format | Hosted under India's Mismanagement

    I don't want India to win by 100 or 50 or even 20 runs. I want a match where I'm not sure if we win or loose right until the last over and last ball. Pak please give a fight and don't fold. Ofcourse same goes for India as well. Lol.
  6. N

    Pakistan and France banned any pro Palestinian demonstration across their countries

    I'm surprised, Pakistan has not even done Lip service for Palestinians. For politics sake atleast issue a statement. atleast in this depart ,Our politicians are expert lol , issuing statements and doing nothing. I wonder why they are not doing it now?
  7. N

    IAF lines up massive acquisition of aircrafts & weapon systems worth at least $40 billion

    Because IAF wants Rafael type aircraft to fill the medium weight aircraft numbers. Lca is Light . Good for numbers and defence or skirmishes near borders. Deep strike will be mrfa .
  8. N

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    Your right man. Not a single match any good. No 1 likes just mad hitting and no response from bowling. Or 1 side scoring huge and other side just plain dud. I had high hopes from aus/south Africa match, but it's realy surprising. Such a boring match. No fighting whatsoever.
  9. N

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    Well played pakistan. Hope ind pak match is good one and not boring 1 sided.
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    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    Pakistan is not playing well. Not even trying . Very wiered. At leaset try to run a ball if not 4 or 6.
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    Increase in insults by Pakistani members against Indian PDF community

    I have no issues with this forum, never had a fight with any1. I think it's like idiots love company of idiots. Or in a Punjabi way - if 1 donkey starts some shit Song, quickly other donkeys join the party. Can't write exact words in English but u get the meaning. Usually if trolling is realy...
  12. N

    INSECURE: Radical Hindus go INSANE with rage after video of cricket player Mohammad "Rijwan" offering "namaj" during cricket match goes viral

    If a guy is not obstructing someone's way or literally stopped a match to Pray. Than I dont see any problem in it.
  13. N

    Video: Bye Bye keyboard 🏆 ChatGPT can now do interactive voice conversations (like an advanced Siri)

    You are thinking too linear. Chat GPT is just 1 tool , the technology which resulted in chat GPT is evolving exponentially. Take example of cars , 10yrs back people were saying remote cars have failed as u cannot expect them to handle traffic & r only good for straight lines. And now auto cars...
  14. N

    Video: Bye Bye keyboard 🏆 ChatGPT can now do interactive voice conversations (like an advanced Siri)

    No this time its different. In old times we we needed the machines, computers to speed up the tasks and also free us from hard labour. But now humans are not needed, automation can do 10 humans work without tiring , asking for leave or insurance. While AI would take jobs from humans for...
  15. N

    Video: Bye Bye keyboard 🏆 ChatGPT can now do interactive voice conversations (like an advanced Siri)

    Man I see alot of jobs going out of fashion within 10yrs because of this AI and automation.
  16. N

    A group of beggars, including women and children, arrested before departure in the name of Umrah

    From the heading I thought beggars were caught at the airport before boarding the plane. And I was like WHT the fk it's not a local bus, how can beggars get on the plane haha.
  17. N

    PCB Chief Zaka Ashraf Calls India ‘Dushman Mulk’ After Babar Azam & Co. Receive Warm Welcome In India

    I will be really angry if pakistan / India match is boring 1 sided match. No matter who wins (i wish India lol), but I want a match that u don't know who is going to win until the last 2 balls. Rest on internet is just bullshit , ignore it.
  18. N

    India's Moon Lander Appears to Have Died

    And unlike China , India is sharing all the data regarding the mission for the benefit of everyone. So russia America Europe etc will benefit equally from this mission. Especially Russia as they can pin point thier mistakes more easily as the landing area was almost same, although approach was...
  19. N

    India's Moon Lander Appears to Have Died

    It's not mistake but Calculated decision to letting go of the extra features in order to reduce weight and budget of the mission. All the mission objectives are achieved, extra life was a bonus. But I understand with alittle more money they could have added some more protection.
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