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  1. N

    It's now or never: IAF Chief’s Sulur speech is a wake-up call to all Tejas stakeholders

    They will be testing this aircraft for 4-5 years to extreme. To see its boundaries limits. You can't do that in war like situation. Where a slight mistake can land you in enemy territory. There's a big chance of a crash as well , when they start testing each aspect of the pain to extreme like...
  2. N

    Chinese troops incursions in Indian controlled territories - News updates and Discussions

    So to weed out propaganda I look for proof. And proof is in the money. If China or India take some kilometres of others territory. No Gov going to do anything drastic. There's enough open space take over in response. No country can guard the whole territory. It's fucking very very tough...
  3. N

    Pakistani Panelists vs Major Arya Gaurav & Vaibhav

    They use modi because it's easier to speak than Narendra. Plus people recognise modi easily. Otherwise Pakistani or even some Indians would be confused who is Narendra. Lol
  4. N

    Indian Artillery Engages Pakistan Military Position, Receives Counter Battery Fire

    Lol I dont think you read my reply. Both army pound each other bunkers daily. So if all or even 30% bunkers are still there well what can I say? And yes ammunition has an expiry date my uncle does the safe removal. They put the ammunition in a dump after removing some parts and blast it. Very...
  5. N

    Indian Artillery Engages Pakistan Military Position, Receives Counter Battery Fire

    Hmm I think all are valid points. The guy running around also bothered me. You don't want that around the ammunition. Plus he's tiring himself. On other hand I don't think Pakistani standards are that much good. They are getting pounded. And by the time they responded guys used 12 shells and...
  6. N

    Indian Artillery Engages Pakistan Military Position, Receives Counter Battery Fire

    What's wrong in this? Can you point out. Im curious
  7. N

    Very long time visitor. But registered now.

    Very long time visitor. But registered now.
  8. N

    Indian weakling army in front of Chinese..

    I don't believe it. Both of you guys are somewhat idiots. I know I will be flamed lol Both India and China are playing smart. They don't want to start a war or risk their soldiers of life without gaining 1 cm. Like Pakistan India is doing. Ask the border soldiers and villagers how there life...
  9. N

    6 Vehicles Used By The Indian Armed Forces That Keep Them Combat-Ready

    Am I missing something? That's what I'm saying these are not in army yet & regularly used and you said they will come out after ied blast. Lol If you too afraid to go to Kashmir. Than search on internet for news where there was an ied blast. See if you can spot above vehicles roaming around...
  10. N

    6 Vehicles Used By The Indian Armed Forces That Keep Them Combat-Ready

    Oh common man . Military uses it's best protection where there a chance of IED explosion. Look at US when it deploys in affected areas. Or our military for that case. They use trucks + hardened mini trucks/jeep in kashmir. No1 wants to get blown by IED and than take out their trucks. 1st visit...
  11. N

    6 Vehicles Used By The Indian Armed Forces That Keep Them Combat-Ready

    Where are these vehicles being used? I was in ladakh recently and all I saw was normal military trucks that we use everywhere.
  12. N

    Indian Mi-17 force-lands in Sikkim

    That was gold Haha
  13. N

    Once a pride today a ditch. IAF only oversea base and gem of R&AWs effort.

    It was Russia who forced Tajiks to not allow india any air base, As it stil considers them part of its influence circle etc. It has nothing to do with pakistan lol Pakistan did protested but was given a very clever reply by tajiks. I think you can search for it on internet.
  14. N

    Indian hospital puts add, "Will not treat Muslim cancer patients"

    That's shameful. If TJ are spreading the virus they can be tracked. The cancer patients are already so beaten down in life they don't need this. This hospital can be sued in the court by the patient if they say no to treatment. If hospital become so paranoid how other people will react ?
  15. N

    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions-[Thread 2]

    You're half right. To learn advance science you need ok-ok English but brilliant mind. You need to understand diff between between no English knowledge- some English knowledge If you have some English ability and can use dictionary than all you need is good imagination and brilliant mind...
  16. N

    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions-[Thread 2]

    I think you guys are discussing on wrong topic. When it comes to science you don't need fluent English speaking but 1 needs to know the scientific terminology. Cause same words/ principles are used again and again. Actually its not the English part that troubles the most guys who quit in the...
  17. N

    Majestic Su 30 MKI's - Night operations - HD footage

    I would take Cag report seriously. They are usually credible . As far Gagan shakti. It is relatively easier to maintain high sortie rates when you have enough time to plan ahead for everything. What cag mentioned was daily upkeep. So that if war starts very next day without warning we should...
  18. N

    Majestic Su 30 MKI's - Night operations - HD footage

    Actually all of you are wrong. How do I know? I was there on the mountains with my friends and shoot the whole fighting with my camera. But unfortunately I forgot to take off the lens cover. So no photos. That's why I will never tell what really happened as proof is gone. Punjabi ch kaha ta...
  19. N

    Indian Army now world’s largest ground force as China halves strength on modernisation push

    You guys just read the title and are fighting for 2 pages. If you read the article it says 3 thing's: 1. India has also started reducing its army but it will take min 5 years to start seeing results. 2. China is way ahead in this and source of worry. 3.In nutshell the article says India...
  20. N

    Hindu Rioters burned down the house of Muslim BSF soldier.

    My friend is right now in Delhi. He has cloth shop. According to him both muslim and hindu are rioting while covering there faces. The real victims are common people whose houses and shops are burnt. Just imagine someone torches your new car ? That's what happening. I think people are taking big...
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