You LIED about this budget being part of defense spending even though China spends less than half than US on defense as percentage of GDP even by SIPRI estimate. You are simply a lying piece of shit in general.
You literally counted China's public security budget as defense spending. That's a level of retardation you cannot recover from. So now does it dawn on you how stupid you are?
China already surpassed US in terms of real GDP in 2016. Their nominal just appear higher because Americunts inflate the value of their OnlyFans hoes and financial hoes (Wall Street).
A Chinese steel mill producing $100 worth of steel and Americunt OnlyFans hoe exposes her tits for $100 bucks are both generating the same amount of economic activity on paper.
One is more useful than the other.
Those fake Xinjiang "genocide" stories are coming from Jewish owned media outlets, not to mention all those Americunt politicians ranting about containing China sucking on Israel's dick.
Israel is not an enemy of China, but it certainly isn't a friend.
That's a even more retarded assertion. Why don't you include FBI, CIA, NSA, DEA and all local law enforcement agencies' budget into Americunt defense budget too going by your retarded logic?
Thanks for bringing the cheap laugh.
If by nobody you mean yourself, then your statement would be true.
That's just a joke. China barely spends 1.6% of its GDP on defense, compared to 3.5% of United States. Next time be less retarded.
The fact that you think a SSN were operating in 20 meters of shallow water is highly amusing. Most likely age has reduced your brain cells to single digit.
Americunts and Indian shit stains were just saying how one sunk in Taiwan strait last month. I guess you switch up the location in the fake...
Basically Indian fake news being parroted by retarded Americunts
The location where this accident supposedly happened is 20 meters deep. Next time invent a better story.
China should not host any more Olympic events. It is a complete waste of money and a cesspool of corruption.
My friend works for a developer from Singapore that was invited to construct a five star hotel at the Beijing Winter Olympics village. Not only did the municipality not paid them for the...