And Haftar is the moderate democrat. Why not.
Will never happen. As you can see, Egypt turns his face against his allies in faith and brotherhood. Egypt is not independent and get his order from foreign states.
No, they are just opportunists.
Of course, most is conspiracy theory to fool turkish people. However, if the US President say, he will destroy Turkey economical, you should take it serious, especially if the President is Trump. Thats for sure.
Comanche RAH-64 is an awesome aerodynamic stealth helicopter with a different rudder. I cant see similarities with the turkish one, which looks damn bulky and ugly.
I would redesign fuselage/Cockpit to curved not edged.
You can say this to Japan, maybe we can see a second invasion of China. If you have no clue, what they did to chinese people, ask chinese people. Or ask the Jews, they will love Hitler follower/lover. By the way, which immigrants do you mean? All of them? Including Southeast immigrants?