I will be frank ,I see Europe/Germany in the same position as Turkey .It has lost Russia to China by the antics of Americans in Ukraine,NSA is controlled Merkel,Germany is bailing out for the errors of corrupt bankers of EU and the american banks and straining under the debt. And Russia is the...
I don't worship them.They have their views. Many agree with them as far as islamic imperialism and its war crimes against humanity.But many don't agree with Geller's ideas to deal with Islam .
I lived in a building called Gulistan in Andheri (west), 70 % of the families muslim and 1 family was shia from Iran. Many of the kids of the sunnis hated India and everything indian in general.They would openly cheer for Pakistan in indo-pak matches and would talk in a way if tomorrow war...
Look ahmadiiya you people peaceful because your prophet was saint,but sunnis are not.they don't recognize you as islam.
and :
According to Prof. K.S. Lal, the author of the “Growth of Muslim population in India”, the Hindu population decreased by 80 million between 1000 AD, the year Mahmud...
Hakan? Noxchi? Chechen?
Japan will go all samurai over them. They were the culture who defeated imperial Russia and china. Though Soviet Russia inflicted very severe defeats on Japan in Mongolia and end of ww2 .
No ,it was mainly by syncretism,which is peaceful merging of two or more...
USA also murdered 30-40 million third worlders .7 million of its own in american holodomer . 18 to 160 million native americans. USA has waged maximum wars out of all nations on earth.
The cheapest that Americans achieved for dry shale gas is 2.88$/Mcf in Marcellus at wellhead. In other places it is not economically viable or it is being sold as a byproduct of wet gas processing or shale oil production. Chespeake is in bad shape because it invested too much in acreage with...
India buys at oil indexed price of 9-12$ as of now from Qatar.
The wellhead cost of producing shale gas is 3.5$-7$/mcf which means per mcm it is 120-240 dollars. Shale gas is an expensive option ,unless it is a byproduct of associated gas or wet gas/oil production.
Actually India should intervene. We will get oil at cheaper rates from iraq and iran ,plus India becomes protector of shias. Shias are influential in the business class in Pakistan ,and india being protector of shias can influence the shias of Pakistan .
Russian products likely will not be compromised .Russian govt is trying to build reputation and if it compromises it then ,it will shoot itself in the foot.There is already a pressure by Medvedvev and many russian companies on privacy laws and transparency.
In many industries this is not true...
What ? no evidence ,yank.only brain dead ad-hominem.
Civil wars (chechnya,north caucusus) ,covert NATO units to target strategic outposts and final phase nuclear attacks .Obviously NATO will lose large number of civilians ,but then Russian resources like the ones in Bazhenov formation and...