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  1. D

    Reliance Power places $10-bn equipment order for 32,000 MW

    :tdown: very disappointed with anil's company, 32000 mw of coal power, terrible decision buy something from GE that doesn't pollute as much not fake knockoff's that'll stop working after 10 years i used to respect reliance, but not anymore
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    When will China's military be able to challenge the U.S.?

    probably going to be a very very long time, china isn't in a good position geographically speaking, its only borders the pacific and that too it has to share with unfriendly nations (US allies). the moment a chinese warship/submarine leaves base its tracked (there are at least 200 maritime...
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    42 more Sukhoi-30 MKI deal cleared for India

    i think by 2025 we can look at a force of: 300 mki 200 mrca (if news reports are correct, it could be the typhoon) 250 lca (if typhoon is picked, expect lca to have ej-2000 with supercruise and tvc) 100 pak-fa 20 mca 70 mig 29 (i heard upgrade will add 25 years?) 50 mirage 2000 (upgrade costs...
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    China's New "Carrier-Killing" Missile Is Overrated

    my point exactly that ive been making, its not very easy to get pinpoint targeting data, especially with something so small moving in a huge ocean, even if you do get targeting data the path of the carrier is unpredictable, it can go left, right, foreward, etc... and i assume the bm has only has...
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    US attacks China!! a scenario

    this has got to be the stupidest most lopsided scenario ever!! 1. Russia will NEVER cooperate with china, if it doesn't trust china with its jet engines i doubt it'll give it "supersonic" missiles and the other crap you posted. and dont forget about ur southern neighbor ;) 2. you forgot...
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    China has a long way to go

    sry to burst ur bubble, but becoming the number 1 trading partner or whatever to countries run by dictators and tyrants isn't a very big accomplishment. i'm too lazy to look up sanctions against the African countries or who they're run by but I can guarantee that a majority are run by dictators...
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    China's anti-ship missiles and Gorshkov

    this is the prob for the plan, if there is a blockade in the IOR on their oil supply, plan can do NOTHING past the malaca straights.
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    PLAAF vs. USAF

    ur ideas are pretty stupid, 1. 200-300 nukes vs 5000, who loses? and who gets injured but gets back up? 2. India only needs nukes against china and pakistan, there is no need for missiles above 4000 km range and its a waste of money to develop them.
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    PLAAF vs. USAF

    do u know why china chose to attack during that time? it was during the Cuban missile crisis, the world was on the verge of WW III and china took advantage of the situation, knowing no one would interfere. and i wouldn't say they got their *** kicked, it was 12,000 to 80,000 and they killed 800...
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    PLAAF vs. USAF

    did u look at what happened in the 1962 war? it was 80,000 vs 12,000 in favor of the chinese side. and on top of that it was what u call a sneak attack when India was unprepared. oh and to those who talk about iraq, vietnam, etc... Those were guerrilla wars, what we are talking about is plaaf...
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    PLAAF vs. USAF

    i think u r the stupid illiterate one. if you have facts then post them instead of calling ppl names. as it stands today(and most likely in the future as well) We will have 5x the number of high tech equipment in all categories (air, land, sea). fanboys say china will catch up in 10...
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    PLAAF vs. USAF

    about the army thing... pla is nowhere near the US Army, lets just get that straight, pla is a fake copycat of the US Army from the looks of it (uniform and combat gear), but it doesn't even come close to the US Army which has 8800 abrams tanks, which is 2x more then the pla, 1000s of...
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    China's Blitzkrieg on U.S. Carrier

    Martin 2 1. i understand your points, but the strategy of launching multiple asbm at a battle group is the only way it will work, and no country is willing to wait even a few seconds to see if those bm's are nuclear or not. if its 1 bm then its understandable, but we are talking about...
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    China's Blitzkrieg on U.S. Carrier

    reasons why this isn't possible: 1. if a bm is launched u cant tell if its conventional or nuclear and no country is stupid enough to risk a nuclear war especially against an opponent with 5000 warheads 2. even if the bm is somehow launched, and not mistaken for a nuke its not easy to hit...
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