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  1. G

    Nothing's sacred : Illegal trade in India's holy cow

    Dude you suffer from serious inferiority complex viz-a-viz india. Nobody is talking about any geopolitical ambition of any country, yet you were too tempted to drag india's ambition into this totally unrelated topic. At least we have an ambition to achieve and we are working hard to achieve it...
  2. G

    Who's right, Israel or Palestine?

    This comes from the citizen of such a nation who has been licking USA's a$$ right from his country came into being expecting that someday the USA will fight their wars. And still this a$$ licking thing has not stopped but only grown ever since the paksitanis started licking chinese a$$e$...
  3. G

    The 6 Islamic states, Pakistan is the most democratic Islamic state!

    Sure thing. This is what we say in India "Andho ke beech kaana raja". Good Job though!!:tup::tup:
  4. G

    ISI plots to hurt Indian economy

    To destablise india the ISI needs to attack india strongly and frequently which is of course not possible with not only indian pressure but also the pressure from the entire world coming into play plus there is a continuous threat that india might retaliate with india patience getting thinner...
  5. G

    Beware of the soaring dragon as China's military power takes off

    Calling me an idiot but behaving yourself like one!! Go and read about the famed all weather friendship of americans and pakistanis and then come debunk my point.
  6. G

    War machine smoke: Nearly half new US vets seek disability benefits

    Before worrying about the american soldiers, as a fellow muslim, you should worry about the loss of life of muslim youth in the name of jehad. After reading this article, i thought about the same fact i wrote above, but sadly you didn't. Perhaps you should search for a similar article on loss...
  7. G

    ‘Pakistan was a N-power in 1983’

    Chinese supplied pakistan with nuclear technology in early 1980s. This forced india to conduct her first nuclear test back then. Paksitanis simply didn't conduct a test back then only because of american pressure. IN early 1990s the nuclear proliferation was at full swing by AQ Khan. India...
  8. G

    War machine smoke: Nearly half new US vets seek disability benefits

    WOW!! Did you ever bothered about the millions of brainwashed jehadis getting killed around the world?? At least the american soldiers are fighting to gain control over oil which will eventually help their nation, but what will a jehadi gain by sacrificing his life, 72 virgins?? What a wastage...
  9. G

    Nukes silenced India, made defence impregnable

    A country like pakistan which cannot even make locomotives for its railways, cars or even a decent motorcycle is able to produce nuclear bombs. This is simply because of some nuke powered state helped them. Or how else can you explain this?? Ever cared to think??
  10. G

    Nukes silenced India, made defence impregnable

    Dude my head is not buried under sand unlike most of the paksitan. You can search the truth about the history of nuclear technology in sub-continent on the net. So get off from PDF and use the internet for knowing real facts.
  11. G

    Nukes silenced India, made defence impregnable

    Chinese supplied pakistan with nuclear technology in early 1980s. This forced india to conduct her first nuclear test back then. Paksitanis simply didn't conduct a test back then only because of american pressure. IN early 1990s the nuclear proliferation was at full swing by AQ Khan. India...
  12. G

    Nukes silenced India, made defence impregnable

    Try convince this to the entire world.:rofl: Pakistan fulfills all the criterion of a failed state. Looks like I touched a nerve!!
  13. G

    Nukes silenced India, made defence impregnable

    When you throw a stone on a bullshit, it splashes on yourself as well(try this). Similarly india knows what will it lose if it comes under a nuclear strike. Pakistan is a failed state, if india attacks pakistan it stands to lose more in terms of economic growth. But what will happen to...
  14. G

    Beware of the soaring dragon as China's military power takes off

    You people held the same view for the americans as well, but what happened now?? What happened to the famed "all-weather friendship"?? Chinese will also do the same to you to, the moment you people will stop fulfilling their purpose, they will abandon you. Pakistan is nothing but a condom...
  15. G

    US prepared to snatch Pakistan nukes

    It doesn't means that the CIA was hiding osama, they let the ISI made him their state guest while they turned their eyes away from this fact. When the time was right they used this killing of osama incident to call back their forces as promised by the president obama. This increased his...
  16. G

    US prepared to snatch Pakistan nukes

    Actually NO, the Americans could have killed Osama anytime they wanted, but they were wise enough to kill other terrorists and terrorist organizations taking osama's name as an excuse. Had they killed osama immediately the U.S.A. would have no strong reason to continue staying in afghanistan and...
  17. G

    Sahara entry to hurt domestic industry: Moudud

    Jaane do bhai, mat samjhao, koi faida nahi hai. These people are blinded by their hatered.
  18. G

    Touching the mark of 1,000 thanks !

    You see, your case is different than IND151, you see it is much difficult for an indian to get thanks here, but it is the easiest thing for a chinese to increase their thanks. You post an anti india thread or post an anti india comment and pakistanis will rally behind you with their...
  19. G

    Zero state of our" RAILWAYS"

    Pakistan has advanced nuclear technology and yet it cannot manufacture a locomotive.:disagree::disagree: Perhaps you people can try building a nuclear powered locomotives for your railways.:rofl::rofl: Who knows, it might work.;);)
  20. G

    Lady Gaga cancels Indonesia concert after threats from Islamic hardliners

    How the hell do you know???:rofl::rofl:
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