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  1. general_yermolov_stalin

    The Turkish Navy Superior To The Russian Black Sea Fleet ?

    Agreed here.The only problem will be the turkish grey wolves intelligence appartus who can start an insurrection in the caucusus and turkey and exhaust our forces via guerilla war. Unless you have indigenous nuclear weapons capability ,you are not capable of standing against russia. Better...
  2. general_yermolov_stalin

    Hitler may have 'unwittingly married a Jew'

    these tribes are not turkic genetically in any manner.rather a mix of caucusian,arab and other tribes.A lot of their women,beautiful redheads and brunettes. Chechens are red haired. Ancient jews were red haired too.Avar tribes is more middle eastern looking. Lezgin many are blonde haired. This...
  3. general_yermolov_stalin

    Hitler may have 'unwittingly married a Jew'

    Russian cossacks,especially the terek carried away a lot of circassian,chechen,lezgin,avar women and forcibly married them.
  4. general_yermolov_stalin

    Hitler may have 'unwittingly married a Jew'

    You are talking about kiev which was part of polish-lithunian commonwealth and crimean khanate . And modern Russia ,known as Muscovy rose thanks to Nevsky and Batu khan,a Tengri mongol. As for Tatars look what happened to them and how subjudated,converted and genocided them.Ottoman's lol,they...
  5. general_yermolov_stalin

    Hitler may have 'unwittingly married a Jew'

    in conspiracy circles,it is said that hitler was grandson of rothschild.
  6. general_yermolov_stalin

    Hitler may have 'unwittingly married a Jew'

    Actually it was the other way around .You circassians gave Tsar ivan the terrible your islamic kabardian princess hand in marriage for protection of Kabardia against the marauding bandit tribes of chechniya(noxchi tribes). Second,it was the kiev and polska christians who were known to be...
  7. general_yermolov_stalin

    Mistreatment of Indian Muslims

    And do you expect Mecca and madina to remain standing if pakistan launches nuclear war on india. No. Your sacred spots plus several arab nations,pakistan will be destroyed in nuclear war with india. ...
  8. general_yermolov_stalin

    Hitler may have 'unwittingly married a Jew'

    He is circassian and circassian women were concubines and mistress in mass numbers in the ottoman harem.
  9. general_yermolov_stalin

    Mistreatment of Indian Muslims

    not our problem.We are not interested in appeasing any minority. If you want to live ,live.If you don't like india leave,there are several darul-e-islam outside india. Not our problem . When in rome ,be like roman.
  10. general_yermolov_stalin

    "Eat Pork or stay hungry", new right-wing government in French towns tells Muslim Children.

    When in rome be like roman. If muslims want to live in france,they should adopt french ways or they are free to leave to the cesspools they came from.
  11. general_yermolov_stalin

    Mistreatment of Indian Muslims

    How many muslim nations ? how many have nuclear weapons? How many hindu nations? How many hindu nations have nukes? A ratio analysis will suffice .
  12. general_yermolov_stalin

    Mistreatment of Indian Muslims

    have you forgotten how Russia totally kicked you and butchered and exiled tens of millions of muslims to turkey from caucusus.Funny because nearly half the population of turkey is muhajirs from caucusus lol. Look at what General Yermolov did in islamic territories of Kavkaz. They turks can do...
  13. general_yermolov_stalin

    If India supports freedom in Crimea, why not in Kashmir?

    not interested.But yes expulsion of treasonous kashmiris is an option.
  14. general_yermolov_stalin

    Mistreatment of Indian Muslims

    indians muslims can go to arabia,pakistan,turkey,africa,indonesia,central asia etc. if they don't like india. india is for peaceful religions like hinduism,sikh,christianity .when in rome be like romans.
  15. general_yermolov_stalin

    Indiamania: 3 get death sentence in India gang rapes

    he is circassian. circassian women were to be ottoman's turks sex toys. fyi.
  16. general_yermolov_stalin

    Hitler may have 'unwittingly married a Jew'

    interesting..... circassians and chechens have jewish roots also. Ancient Chechnya was jewish khazaria which was a European superpower prior to destruction of it in hands of the Varangian Rus.
  17. general_yermolov_stalin

    Turkmenistan Armed Forces

    how can you be so sure?
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