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  1. chirag.s

    Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

    :wave: sorry but i don't have the link got it from my friend maybe you can try the saab website :what: but you can download it from the link below anyway:pop: guys earlier i tried to post the original ones but they are REALLY BIG so i resized them if you have problems in reading im...
  2. chirag.s

    How PAF AEWCS would work. a complete Information

    hi arsalanaslam123 :wave: go check the Pakistan AWACs/AEW&Cs Aircrafts ive posted some images there hope its useful thank you:cheers:
  3. chirag.s

    Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

    hi guys got 2 more ,here it is not dure if its posted earlier anyways enjoy:enjoy: thank you:cheers:
  4. chirag.s

    Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

    hi guys just found these not sure if its posted earlier:undecided: continued:cheers:
  5. chirag.s


    HEW GUYS JUST FOUND THIS ON YOU TUBE THIS IS SIMPLY AMAZING:smitten: YouTube - PAF vs IAF must see to find out which one is the best Thank you:cheers:
  6. chirag.s

    Aussies doubt JSF V Flanker Claims

    hey hj768 you are right about me not pointin at icemans mistakes now abou f-7s or j-7s "So yes, F-7s do have an IRST device on them. It is sitting inside the nose-cone of their missiles." are you tellin that f-7s carry missiles as IRST device you gotta be kidding:rofl: see the picture...
  7. chirag.s

    Aussies doubt JSF V Flanker Claims

    So yes, F-7s do have an IRST device on them. It is sitting inside the nose-cone of their missiles. Yes, I know no air force uses real missiles in exercises. That means what iceman said is stupid. Your beloved InAF does not know what F-16's missiles can do, so how can it "know F-16 inside out"...
  8. chirag.s

    India makes 'Urgent' Purchase of Milan ATGM

    hey guys i just wikied for milan and was surprised to find this # India * Indian Army - Infantry and on vehicles. Around 30,000 built under license by Bharat Dynamics. if we have 30,000 units why are we going for 4k odd more i think wikipedia is full of crap wid 30,000 units...
  9. chirag.s

    Aussies doubt JSF V Flanker Claims

    1 mki can look behind coz it has a radar in its tail go google it 2 yes f-16s can kill su-30mki and vice versa 3 my dear none of the air forces in the world use REAL missiles to practice dodging them not even your beloved PAF nor the so called mighty USAF 4 heat seeking missiles DO...
  10. chirag.s

    SU 35,37 Multi Role Fighter jets

    hes right why would India go for su-35 when su-30mki can perform 85 % tasks carried out by su-35 the only advantage being AS I SEE IT irbis-e radar ,the uprated engines and lack of mechanical displays in the cockpit as two huge LCDs are installed.let me bring some thing to your attention...
  11. chirag.s

    how can a PAF eagale can lock on AN IAF su-30!

    some more the airframe is totally awsome :victory: seriously never ever seen a western aircraft do that even with their sophistication russian planes are robust
  12. chirag.s

    how can a PAF eagale can lock on AN IAF su-30!

    hi guys just let your imagination free THIS PHOTO IS NOT PHOTOSHOPED http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3352/3230545895_cb9261d28b.jpg?v=0 thank you
  13. chirag.s

    Indian "Nationalistic Hate Propaganda" against Pakistan

    these :guns:politicians must be stoned to death in public (even bullets are waste of money ) weather they are involved or not they are no different from terrorists except that they do not wield guns i bet my life once the election heat touches them none of them will be talking about how to...
  14. chirag.s

    RUSSIA starts work on second 5th generation fighter.

    i think we wont have more than 6-8 squadrons .it also depends on the threat around the borders if china is sucessful in thier jxx quest we'll need more this is just the dawn of the 5th gen era i think it will reach the peak by 2040 when all the aircrafts in the international market would be...
  15. chirag.s

    RUSSIA starts work on second 5th generation fighter.

    hi moscow on which yak model is it based on ? i thought tupelov will be involved considering their expertise in this field:undecided:
  16. chirag.s

    Aussies doubt JSF V Flanker Claims

    GUYS YOU ARE OFF TOPIC AGAIN PLEASE DISCUSS IN THE RIGHT THREADS PLASE DISCUSS ABOUT JSF VS FLANKER lets speak of the airframe are four missiles in the internal bay of the jsf enough or is it going to carry stealthy missile pods to increase its payload none of you have answered my...
  17. chirag.s

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    guys please lets stick to the topic those videos can go t the multimedia thread none of you have answered my query about the RAM coating is it also included or the cream still remains with USAF ???:what: SORRY blain2 BUT BIENG A MOD YOU SHOULDN'T GO OFF TOPIC PLEASE...
  18. chirag.s

    The PAF's quest for a hi-tech platform

    hey guys thanks for the info mean_bird lets not start a war again there is nothing wrong that pakistan may have the third largest assembly line lets stick to the topic and to mr.spurdozer no problemo i didn't fell offended at all :cheers: thank you
  19. chirag.s

    The PAF's quest for a hi-tech platform

    hi all-green :enjoy: good to know that, one more question where exactly are your planes built for example in nasik HAL builds su-30s and upgrades migs there and in bangalore HAL is testing and building ALH ,LCA .geographically where is it built after tot.
  20. chirag.s

    Mumbai Attacks

    these :guns:politicians must be stoned to death in public (even bullets are waste of money ) weather they are involved or not they are no different from terrorists except that they do not wield guns i bet my life once the election heat touches them none of them will be talking about how to...
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