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  1. M

    Calculus created in India 250 years before Newton: study

    :rofl: you Indians only know to day dream.
  2. M

    China to dictate tough terms on BRICS rescue fund

    Have you been living under a rock? :rofl: Go tell that to Nokia and other MNC that are continuing to move their manufacturing to China. Indian economy and currency has collapsed which makes importing raw materials extremely expensive. India still living the pipe dream which is EXACTLY why your...
  3. M

    Rival to World Bank, with India equal role

    Without China, there is no BRICS. We can and we will impose our weight on the BRICS. Why? Because we can. Our economy is bigger than the other BRICS combined. Without our approval, nothing gets done in the BRICS. We contributed 41% to the new fund. That's basically half the allocation. We...
  4. M

    China to dictate tough terms on BRICS rescue fund

    Our economy hasn't collapsed, it's growing fast and our currency getting stronger.
  5. M

    Calculus created in India 250 years before Newton: study

    I just want to say that I agree 100% with everything respected member AfsarHamesha says. He is spot on!
  6. M

    Calculus created in India 250 years before Newton: study

    :lol: very true. Well said bro.
  7. M

    Why India Accepts Hindu Extremism and Condemns Islamic Extremism

    I don't see the difference between Hindu terrorism and Islamic terrorism. Right now I would say Hindus are the biggest threat to world peace. Islam has radical elements in their religion but Hindu religion is even worse.
  8. M

    Calculus created in India 250 years before Newton: study

    India didn't create jack. Even the symbol for zero was created by Arabs, not by these low IQ Indians.
  9. M

    Why Chinese and Pakistanis want Congress to win 2014 Election India ?

    BJP is a fascist Hindu radicalism party just like Saudi Arabian royal family is a fascist Islamic radicalism regime. I've even heard that the BJP sponsors terrorists organisations like RSS and others. Islamic and Hindu radicalism are the biggest threat to world peace.
  10. M

    Indian nuke subs game-changer in next war : Pak analyst

    India don't have submarines. It's all boasting!
  11. M

    Saudi King lavishes Hillary Clinton with $500K worth of jewels

    Saudi Arabia is the world's number 1 state sponsor of terror. That despotic regime is run by terrorists for terrorists. Until that tyrannical Saudia royal family is exterminated from this earth, Muslim blood will continue to be spilt.
  12. M

    Can an Chinese Person translate this for me?

    He knows a bit about Australia too. He is probably Australian.
  13. M

    China on verge of worst economic crisis in decades

    When our demand for your resources slows, our demand for Aussie dollars goes down. Investors don't buy Aussie denominated assets. This is why we control the Australian economy. The Renminbi is now the 9th most transacted currency in the foreign exchange market. The Renminbi is also the 14th...
  14. M

    Can an Chinese Person translate this for me?

    This guy is Mexican-Vietnamese? How do you know?
  15. M

    China on verge of worst economic crisis in decades

    The Renminbi is getting stronger everyday. The Aussie was stronger than the USD only a few months ago, around 1.07, now it's around 90. The renminbi is only increasing in influence.
  16. M

    China to dictate tough terms on BRICS rescue fund

    India has economically collapsed. They will be kicked out of BRICS soon. Indonesia will replace India.
  17. M

    The chinese look down on india

    That's because no one else in the world knows about made up imaginary 'wars' by Indians to soothe their bruised ego after 1962. They cannot defeat us in a real war so they make up 'wars' and pretend to win them :lol:
  18. M

    China Successfully Develop DUV Solid State Laser Source Frontier Equipments

    Not a single Indian in here congratulating us.
  19. M

    China on verge of worst economic crisis in decades

    Just look at your currency, it has collapsed since our demand has slowed. When we sneeze, Australia gets pneumonia. We were the ones that put Australia on the global map for investors. Australia is just an indirect play on the China growth story. No one invests in Australia because of...
  20. M

    India lacks business ethics

    :lol: so true bro, so true. What I find funny is India talking about business practices when their entire economy and currency is collapsing. Not only that but India is world famous for bureaucracy and being anti-business. In India, the more corrupt you are, the higher you will go in society...
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