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    MODI cleared Ishrat Murder

    Lagta hai ye Pakistani dost har cheez ki Baal ki khaal nikalte hain.
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    Buddhists going bad

    Calling for help????
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    MODI cleared Ishrat Murder

    OOH!! Pakistanis have different eye anatomy....can see their own internal structure???:rofl:
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    Buddhists going bad

    You are right, some went east.... but the eastern and the western trashcans fought in 1971...and we had to separate them..:rofl:
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    Buddhists going bad

    No, we are not... We got rid of it in 1947.. pushed it to the trash can on the western side. well...to be truthful...got rid of half of it....
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    Buddhists going bad

    Don't want to be sane... We just started getting insane after 800 years
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    MODI cleared Ishrat Murder

    The human retina can perceive numerous shades of grey...do you see only in black and white.. Is not the fact that the girl was a terrorist, a relevant input...
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    MODI cleared Ishrat Murder

    Yes I know even uncle Tom will take a few ineffectual stabs in the air when pushed to the wall....or maybe he won't even then..
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    MODI cleared Ishrat Murder

    No, it is not that. The real issue is that people such as you want to maintain the status quo of alien institutions so that the majority is effectively disempowered. Any talk of revival of traditions or Hinduis's resurgence sets your alarm bells ringing. That's why such a visceral hatred for...
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    MODI cleared Ishrat Murder

    I don't really care what you are. All I know is that you are worse than the enemy. On an international forum, you denigrate your country by writing ignorant nonsense. You have been exposed.
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    MODI cleared Ishrat Murder

    What's your culture, uncle Tom? To nurture a permanent inferiority complex and take daily guilt trips into the zones of self loathing? The criticize the nation, it's traditions and it's people and feel virtuous about doing so? To be politically correct at all times, even in your sleep, and...
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    MODI cleared Ishrat Murder

    Whats it to do with IPs? Cant Pakistanis in India access the internet...now come on...come clean...
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    MODI cleared Ishrat Murder

    Who are you...some sort of his drum beater...and why speak in riddles?? And his profile says that he is in the IT sector for 22 years...and that was in 2009 when he was 59 years. Which means he was in the forces not beyond 37 years of age...how high can you get at that age??? Or maybe he...
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    Buddhists going bad

    Sometimes, to be on the receiving end is good for sanity.:omghaha:
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    MODI cleared Ishrat Murder

    Things have come to such a pass that the CBI is threatening to investigate how the IB came to know that Ishrat Jahan was a terrorist. Can you imagine its implications. The IB would have got the tipoff through a web of informers, some of whom would be undercover operatives who have infiltrated...
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    MODI cleared Ishrat Murder

    Oh come on!!! shame and his job do not mix... After all, all this per post payment.... Me thinks this Chakravyuh has many Mayavi false flag Rakshasas..... time to go hunting.
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    MODI cleared Ishrat Murder

    Only Indians...even @##holes will decide... not false flag foreign pretenders who hide their identities. Do not feed the false flag trolls......:laughcry:
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    MODI cleared Ishrat Murder

    It is not for Pakistanis to tell us what to do with terrorists...
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    MODI cleared Ishrat Murder

    I m very sure he has no personal knowledge of the defense establishment...only snippets obtained from "uncles":rofl: I say this because I too have quite a few defense connections, and I know the general mindset of the officers.
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    MODI cleared Ishrat Murder

    Thanks! You made me see the light... Bhisma pitamah...here I come...
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