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  1. Kajutyun

    Russia to target Turkey with S-400 anti-aircraft missiles

    "To be honest i don't give a sh*t, we take care of ourselves "...I figured you would say as much. Best keep your mouth shut about such things. Neither do you have an understanding of NATO. According to NATO charter, Turkey will only have support if it is fired on, not if it starts the...
  2. Kajutyun

    Russia to target Turkey with S-400 anti-aircraft missiles

    A Turkish empire under the house of Osman. The Republic of Turkey is its legal successor. BS. Less than 500 Azeris died. Even if they were massacred, which they were not, it does not come close to the ~30 million Azeris in this world. XOCALI: A show of unseen forgery and...
  3. Kajutyun

    Russia to target Turkey with S-400 anti-aircraft missiles

    "by showing carrot"...I loled at this. There will always be a divide between Armenia and the West, namely the United States. This stems mainly from the gag rule that Turkey has on the United States with regards to the Armenian Genocide, which is in place due to strong relationship between...
  4. Kajutyun

    Russia to target Turkey with S-400 anti-aircraft missiles

    Fun fact: Within next 10 years, both the Indian and Russian navies will be equipped with the BrahmosII cruise missile (which will be the fastest missile in the world, travelling at hypersonic speed). Hopefully, Russia and India will continue to work together in the future:D Turkey will never...
  5. Kajutyun

    Russia to target Turkey with S-400 anti-aircraft missiles

    Nice to know that you are thinking of me :D S400s will be in Armenia once Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Belarus combine air defense systems in a year or so. Not really sure why you want this to happen though...Turkey does not and will not have anything that can surpass the S400. Turkey can do...
  6. Kajutyun

    Russia installing S-400 anti-aircraft missiles to target Turkey

    I believe that the S400 has surface-to-surface capabilities.
  7. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    You tried too hard making this post, considering that you have oversimplified my arguments. To make it easier, I will simplify them properly: Azerbaijan is a paper tiger who, no matter how much money or equipment will be thrown at it, will remain weak in the face of the Armenian Army, which...
  8. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    Because any humanitarian plea to Turkey to recognize history will fall flat on its face. So we engage in politics. Like I said, you could not understand the Armenian ambition.
  9. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    No, no Armenian wants this. Armenians want historically Armenian landmarks like Ararat and Ani, which are a fraction of Turkey proper. They also want Turkey to recognize the Armenian Genocide. Again, not arguing about this. As for peaceful solution between Azerbaijan and Armenia, I don't...
  10. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    Your taking this conversation too personally. Relax, pour yourself some pina colada lol. Yes, Armenians on forums will repeat this information because it is the truth. Armenia has not immediate plans to do anything to Turkey. Yes, conditions are pretty bad, but they are improving and hopefully...
  11. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    At this point, you sound like grade schooler that got beaten up at the playground but does not want to admit it. Come back from what? Azerbaijan will be broke in 5 years idiot. Oil doesn't last forever. Read about peak oil theory, but I get the sense that you are not one who reads books...
  12. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    If by "some hill" you mean the region known as Nagorno Karabakh, then yes you are correct. "U got no history, no any military victory u got a population of 1.5 mil"...nah son u got it twisted b, we all up in dis history thang, and dawg we pwned dem azerbaboons a minute ago in '94, and son what...
  13. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    1. Relax. LOL is an acronym for laughing out loud, because that is what I did when you quoted the Azerbaijan Business Center. No, not all governments are dishonest, but yours certainly is. I.e, a couple of months ago, APA ran a news brief about how a conscript died because "hit on the head by a...
  14. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    Easy, make up a lie. Turkish history is full of them.
  15. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    You're not listening. Russia HAS to intervene as per treaty. Turkey WILL DO NOTHING seeing as 1. They never said they would 2. NATO charter PREVENTS Turkey from making bilateral defence pact with Azerbaijan. You literally repeat the same BS in every post, so I will only address your new...
  16. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    Do they offer basic economics courses in Turkey? 1. Partially. But there are also public projects, such as a road linking northern and southern Armenia. Gains have been made in domestic production, as well as mining. Even if it wasn't, expansion of private sector is a good thing! 2. Lol no it...
  17. Kajutyun

    Azerbaijan Defence Programs & Military Development

    You are taking everything being said by Azeri propoganda machine and saying it as truth on this forum. It's BS. 1. Yes there is a construction boom....in Baku. It's simply for appearances, and most of those buildings are empty anyway. Has nothing to do with morale. 2. "Economy is doing...
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