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  1. Kajutyun

    Syrian shell hits health center in southern Turkey

    When have Azeri-Iranian relations gotten to this point before? They are the worst that I can recollect, especially considering the Assad predicament. Turkey is well aware of the threat that Iran poses to Azerbaijan, yet they make no preparations. They will do nothing when Azerbaijan is invaded.
  2. Kajutyun

    Syrian shell hits health center in southern Turkey

    It seems that you are all disregarding the role that Iran will play if Turkey gets too assertive, especially in a post-Assad Syria. You have to realize that, for lack of superpower allies and therefore lack of an arms supply, Iran has "rented" Syrian support with heavy subsidies. They will not...
  3. Kajutyun

    Syrian shell hits health center in southern Turkey

    But if Turkey really cared about the Syrian people, why would it drive them toward a state with no government (as you said that FSA will leave). Wouldn't it make sense to find an alternative to Assad BEFORE taking him down?
  4. Kajutyun

    Why don't we rely on the Azerbaijan's oil?

    Getting a little uncreative with the account names, Ottoman-Turk
  5. Kajutyun

    Reopening airport in Nagorno-Karabakh threat to peace

    Lol this is old news and you are misinterpreting it.
  6. Kajutyun

    Syrian shell hits health center in southern Turkey

    Why? NATO has already announced its backing of Turkey.
  7. Kajutyun

    Why don't we rely on the Azerbaijan's oil?

    LOL that's BS it is not BP's fault that Azerbaijan does not have an unlimited amount of oil. Tell me, is it or is it not true that Azeri oil output has been declining ever since 2010, the peak year?!?! But you are right about Azeri Light crude being high quality. If BP gets kicked out, then...
  8. Kajutyun

    Why don't we rely on the Azerbaijan's oil?

    Because Russia, Iran, and China would be in an uproar. No to mention the fact that neither Azerbaijan not any of the Central Asian Turkic countries want this. They may talk, but they are still Russian vassals.
  9. Kajutyun

    Why don't we rely on the Azerbaijan's oil?

    Wait Wait....are you now telling me that Azerbaijan can defeat Russia too?!?!?!?! Can Armenia defeat Russia? Can Armenia defeat Turkey? :yahoo: Unless you are implying that Turkey will get involved. I'm tired of explaining to you why it won't, but I'll do it one more time anyway. Turkey does...
  10. Kajutyun

    Why don't we rely on the Azerbaijan's oil?

    OMG!!!! I have never see that article before ever! Thank you, atatwolf for bringing it to my attention. A lot of countries suffered the financial recession. And, like I already said, Armenia's economy has consistently grown since then.
  11. Kajutyun

    Why don't we rely on the Azerbaijan's oil?

    I sincerely hope that Turkey does. Every drop of oil that flows through BTC pisses off Russia all the more. Btw, TPAO does work with Azerbaijan. It has a 5% share in the ACG field.
  12. Kajutyun

    Why don't we rely on the Azerbaijan's oil?

    Yes. How is that relevant? Azerbaijan is not an OPEC nation, it will export more if not an equal amount of oil, thereby decreasing the amount of time it has before all profitable oil has been extracted.
  13. Kajutyun

    Why don't we rely on the Azerbaijan's oil?

    Azeri oil production peaked in 2010. Why should Turkey invest in a country who's oil will run out soon?
  14. Kajutyun

    Reopening airport in Nagorno-Karabakh threat to peace

    Not sure. It could be possible on amicable terms, as Ararat and Ani have no historical significance to Turks. By some backdoor deal or otherwise, these landmarks may be transferred to Armenia. Or, through confrontational terms, which have a variety of ways of happening. Remember that Turkey was...
  15. Kajutyun

    Reopening airport in Nagorno-Karabakh threat to peace

    I suggest you to care about gaining the love of my @ss. Armenia does not care about relations with Turkey.
  16. Kajutyun

    Reopening airport in Nagorno-Karabakh threat to peace

    How about you deal with your PKK problem before trying to scare the Armenia Army;)
  17. Kajutyun

    Reopening airport in Nagorno-Karabakh threat to peace

    Depends on what you mean by historical. At its greatest extent, the Armenian Empire included present day Armenia, most of Azerbaijan, northern Iran, eastern Anatolia, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Palestine, and Iraq. Clearly, present day aspirations are not this ambitious, even amongst the...
  18. Kajutyun

    Reopening airport in Nagorno-Karabakh threat to peace

    Georgia will never be apart of NATO as long as it has territorial disputes. Not totally irrelevant, but considering that both Azerbaijan and Armenia are arming, neither side as the entire advantage in this. Also, you would probably be surprised to hear that a lot of Armenian purchases are from...
  19. Kajutyun

    Reopening airport in Nagorno-Karabakh threat to peace

    -True. Georgia is now the slave of Turkey -Also true. -Again, if UN really cared about the issue, they would impose sanctions on Armenia, which they didn't. -Nobody is starving in Armenia. Poverty is below 10%. Population is decreasing, but at a decreasing rate. -Armenia has its own projects...
  20. Kajutyun

    Reopening airport in Nagorno-Karabakh threat to peace

    Good question. In theory the Nagorno Karbakh republic wants recognition, but solely for the purpose of being able to join Armenia and Azerbaijan at the negotiating table. Actually, Armenia shouldn't play a role in this whatsoever, it is merely an "interested observer." Azerbaijan would like to...
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