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  1. Kajutyun

    Turkish Authorities Disprove Plane Shot Down by Syria

    Putin doesn't have to use nukes I guess. Doesn't change the fact that he could flatten Ankara in half a day. I mean, Turkey's air defense system is worse than Armenia's! Azerbaijan is an impotent nation. If you keep referring to them, you're going to make me laugh.
  2. Kajutyun

    Turkish Authorities Disprove Plane Shot Down by Syria

    I have literally run out of ways to imply that you are borderline r*tarded. There are 10 million Armenians worldwide today. Even if there was no Genocide how can population go from less than 1 million to 10 million in less than 100 years? Honestly have you read a single book about the history...
  3. Kajutyun

    Turkish Authorities Disprove Plane Shot Down by Syria

    It's already on the table. Eventually, Turkey will go bankrupt from their international campaign of denial. In Western countries, your government spends hundreds of millions of dollars hiring lobbyists (and some times paying of parliamentarians) to spout off your lies. Now tell me something, why...
  4. Kajutyun

    Turkish Authorities Disprove Plane Shot Down by Syria

    NO, you are the one who does not understand. Because if that is indeed the sentiment in Turkey, then Turkey would sympathize with Armenia over Nagorno Karabakh (where our own blood was spilled and, despite adversity, we emerged victorious). I am not saying that Turkey has no right to the land...
  5. Kajutyun

    Turkish Authorities Disprove Plane Shot Down by Syria

    No, clearly that would not be OK. But Ararat and Ani have no strategic or cultural value for Turks, unlike for Armenians. It will be of no loss to Turkey to return these landmarks, other than "showing weakness" or "insulting Turkishness".
  6. Kajutyun

    Turkish Authorities Disprove Plane Shot Down by Syria

    We don't need your pity. We need Genocide recognition and Ararat.
  7. Kajutyun

    Ask your question about Iran

    True.. Thanks for the replies Soheil...always awesome when Iranians come to party in Yerevan during Novruz:D
  8. Kajutyun

    Ask your question about Iran

    I'm assuming that you are referring to the weapons deal between Israel and Azerbaijan. Well...in that case Russia is also Armenia's enemy. Armenia is not in a position to be choosy and definitely does not need more enemies.
  9. Kajutyun

    Turkish Authorities Disprove Plane Shot Down by Syria

    Oh, I see. It's the time difference that brings out your hypocritical character. In that case, I expect you to join me in a big laugh about the Holocaust in 30 years time. It will have happened 100 years ago, right......
  10. Kajutyun

    Ask your question about Iran

    Please clarify (1) and (3). I am aware of the Armenian Iranian friendship. But what about Karabakh? And I don't understand the Israeli reference. Israel is not Armenia's enemy.
  11. Kajutyun

    Ask your question about Iran

    1. What is the cooperation between Nagorno Karabakh republic and Iran. I see many Iranian trucks travelling to Armenia from NKR, so I figure that there has to be something. 2. How easy would it be to get Iranian visa when crossing the land border with Armenia? What if with Russian passport...
  12. Kajutyun

    Turkish Authorities Disprove Plane Shot Down by Syria

    Turkish plane was not shot down by Syria. Both Turkish and Syrian planes were shot at. Let's open an international committee from both sides to look into the matter. Let's leave it to the historians.
  13. Kajutyun

    Chess Olympiad 2012: Final

  14. Kajutyun

    Grandson of Cemal Pasha Admits Genocide, Writes Bool

    ...Are you trying to make me laugh?
  15. Kajutyun

    Grandson of Cemal Pasha Admits Genocide, Writes Bool

    Cemal Pasha?s grandson issues book on Armenian Genocide - PanARMENIAN.Net
  16. Kajutyun

    Poverty in Azerbaijan

    I'm the moron? Nothing that you said in your mini ramble shows any shred of intelligence. Armenian economy grew 6.2% the first half of this year. Azeri economy grew less than 3%. Look it up. The only reason man at is valuable is because Europe is buying your oil. Anyone with a brain can figure...
  17. Kajutyun


    Armenian economy expands by 6.2% | Vestnik Kavkaza Turns out Azerbaijan has a terrible economy after all LOL.
  18. Kajutyun

    Iran Said to Send Troops to Bolster Syria

    You argue like a 6 year old girl TurAr. I explain that lots of Armenian land is occupied by Turkey/Azerbaijan, you respond with the irrelevant nonsense of Turkish offensive against Armenia. Azatavrear explains that Turkey does not dare step out of place and calls you out on your rambling BS, you...
  19. Kajutyun

    Iran Said to Send Troops to Bolster Syria

    You didn't intentionally exaggerate anything. You simply told a lie. They are commonplace in Turkish society, so you are not alone. "Give back the lands you stole." Interesting. I am not arguing with history falsifiers. Armenians (or rather their ancestors) are the oldest inhabitors of...
  20. Kajutyun

    Iran Said to Send Troops to Bolster Syria

    Armenians say it was 15 million people????Not sure about you, but the Armenians I know claim 1.5 million killed and many deported/sent on death marches. Is this a new Turkish lie being circulated? Please, tell me more. I (or rather, anyone with an education) can do much more to improve...
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