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  1. Kajutyun

    Canada honors Turkish diplomat with monument

    "And it doesn't matter if what happened was a genocide or not because if you had the power you'd do the exact same." Please explain your basis for this statement.
  2. Kajutyun

    Canada honors Turkish diplomat with monument

    Azerbaijani economy grew by less than 2% last quarter. Also, I was unable to gather ANY information from these incoherent statements: "shrieked", "alottttt" "shrink 10% grow 6%". Ara, we have had this conversation countless effing times. What do you mean "rusty"? Russia has nuclear weapons...
  3. Kajutyun

    Canada honors Turkish diplomat with monument

    Armenia's economy grew by 6.2% in the first half of this year, despite the fact that remittances actually DECREASED. Armenia does not need foreign money, unlike Turkey and Azerbaijan.
  4. Kajutyun

    Canada honors Turkish diplomat with monument

    You may be right in the sense that some Armenians were loyal. But honestly, who cares? The actuality of the Genocide is not altered by Turkish lies and reasons. I suggest that you read more about Turkish history before making stupid comments. And Russia is the guarantor of Armenian security...
  5. Kajutyun

    Foundation of Azeri-Turkish Joint Army

    There will be no "Azeri-Turkish Army". What you are referring to is joint operations (also involving Georgia) meant to counter attacks against oil and natural gas pipelines.
  6. Kajutyun

    Turkey's Relationship/Maintenance of Historically Armenian Landmarks

    Thanks for the info + I did not initiate Genocide conversation. Armenia has been seeking international condemnation for this, which can be exemplified by the EU Parliament's statement on the matter. From what I can tell by reading Azeri press, the Azeris are very annoyed by this. More...
  7. Kajutyun

    Canada honors Turkish diplomat with monument

    First of all, "betrayal" is a stupid word to use. It indicates that at some point Armenians were loyal to the Ottoman Empire which is not the case. Just because there were no constant uprisings does not mean that Armenians were loyal. When Armenians saw the opportunity for independence (which is...
  8. Kajutyun

    Canada honors Turkish diplomat with monument

    You are incapable of having meaningful conversations with anyone because you're arguments are full of lies.
  9. Kajutyun

    Turkey's Relationship/Maintenance of Historically Armenian Landmarks

    Armenia's emigrating population is not falling of the face of the earth, it is simply relocating. They get better, higher paid jobs elsewhere, and then send back to Armenia more than what they could have contributed if they stayed. I guess you'll have to come up with some new BS.
  10. Kajutyun

    Turkey can never overlook Nagorno-Karabakh

    "Population can be changed"...you can say that again. Nakhchivan has an even higher concentration of Armenian than NK did before the de-population programs in the 20th century. Besides, the big international players only nominally recognize NK as Azeri. Deep down, everyone knows it is Armenian...
  11. Kajutyun

    Turkey's Relationship/Maintenance of Historically Armenian Landmarks

    Absolutely. Even genocide may be forgiven (but not forgotten), assuming that the successors of the perpetrators admit the truth. Denying the genocide is equivalent to continuously spitting on the graves of 1.5 million Armenians.
  12. Kajutyun

    Turkey can never overlook Nagorno-Karabakh

    If NK was always Azeri land, then why has it always had an Armenian dominated population?
  13. Kajutyun

    Canada honors Turkish diplomat with monument

    Sorry to have to call you out on your ignorance, Deno, but according to what county is the Taliban a terrorist organization?!?!?! I can confirm to you that neither Russia or the US have categorized it in such a way. I thanked him because it was funny, not because it bears semblance to reality.
  14. Kajutyun

    Turkey's Relationship/Maintenance of Historically Armenian Landmarks

    No Pakistanisage, you do not understand. If there as in fact no genocide, then there would not be such feelings and indeed no impediment to normalization of relations between Turkey and Armenia. Just because you feel no sympathy for Christian Armenians does not mean that our suffering is...
  15. Kajutyun

    Turkey's Relationship/Maintenance of Historically Armenian Landmarks

    Again, not interested in the cookie-cutter propaganda you were taught in school while kneeling before a statue of Ataturk. Judging from your inability to answer a single one of my questions OR come up with a sentence structures of your own, I will not be asking you any questions. It appears...
  16. Kajutyun

    Turkey's Relationship/Maintenance of Historically Armenian Landmarks

    Before all else, I'd like to express hope that this thread will not be subject to flame bait/war. Therefore, if I could make the request of posters to refrain from making comments about the Armenian Genocide, NKR, or any other Armenophobic sentiments, that would be greatly appreciated...
  17. Kajutyun

    Canada honors Turkish diplomat with monument

    atatwolf, your short one-liners bring so much meaning to this thread. Please continue indulging us with your knowledge.
  18. Kajutyun

    Canada honors Turkish diplomat with monument

    Why do you keep referring to the Taliban. What do you have against them anyway?Their way is a way of life in Afghanistan, it's conservative but it's traditional. Hell, even America supported them in line with "containment policy". You, Deno, are the barbarian for criticizing other nation's...
  19. Kajutyun

    Canada honors Turkish diplomat with monument

    "Terrorist propoganda"....good one. Armenian nationalists assassinate those behind systematic killings and it is deemed "terrorist", but when Ottomans commit genocide it is a "matter of historical debate" You're right, the hate comes from the experience of our ancestors, for which the...
  20. Kajutyun

    Collapse of Turkey’s Middle East policy

    That's interesting. Tell me, if Azerbaijan is so strong, why has it yet to "liberate" Karabakh. Legally speaking, it is allowed to do so. Have you ever been to the frontline? If you had been, you would not make such statements. Armenian/NKR forces are ENTRENCHED in the mountains. Assuming that...
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