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  1. M

    South China Sea Forum

    Claiming reefs/rocks/banks on South China Sea is of course different matter, but claiming the sea surrounding them is the matter of UNCLOS. The problem with China is that their U-shaped claim does not simply based on the islands within SCS nor comply with UNCLOS. There are several studies that...
  2. M

    South China Sea Forum

    First, you need to read more carefully what those articles pertained to. "In addition, article 298, paragraph 1, allows States and entities to declare that they exclude the application of the compulsory binding procedures for the settlement of disputes under the Convention in respect of certain...
  3. M

    South China Sea Forum

    Congratulation, China has become the new United States! I find it really amusing that for since the formation of People's Republic of China, China always denouncing US for it unilateral and arrogant attitude towards international convention and law. Now, once China become stronger militarily...
  4. M

    Sinocentrism for the Information Age

    If they seeks independence, then just go ahead. The importance is, they are allowed to decide whether to be independence or not. If the outcome of independence is No, then it shows that the independence movement doesn't have any support. What is my view doesn't have something to do with my...
  5. M

    Sinocentrism for the Information Age

    Hmm.. I never read once that Dalai Lama has signed the agreement, but Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme (as head of representative) did. The seals used by the representatives themselves was also provided by China in a capacity as personal seals. If the peoples are willing, then of course yes. The fact that...
  6. M

    Sinocentrism for the Information Age

    Please read my post more carfully. I didn't say the revolt was caused by cultural revolution, but 'Great Leap Forward" policy of Mao. After the failure of "Great Leap forward", it was followed by "cultural revolution" further cementing efforts to resist further catastrophe caused by Chinese. Let...
  7. M

    Can China legally prevent Japan of using Kanji in their culture?

    For Mainland Chinese it was blasphemous to say Taiwan is an independent entity from PRC. :laugh:
  8. M

    Sinocentrism for the Information Age

    For Dalai Lama and his followers, the revolt was considered as struggle for Independence. Don't forget that in the past, Tibetan Empire existed before the Chinese (technically the Mongols) invaded them in 1270, by which after the invasion, there are intermittent self-government and re-invasion...
  9. M

    Sinocentrism for the Information Age

    Most mainland Chinese certainly don't share your kind of view~ especially when they are fed daily with state propaganda. Sovereignty of a nation was judge by: 1. Actual exercised and control of power over an area 2. Recognition by other states Neither did the ROC ever control the south China...
  10. M

    Sinocentrism for the Information Age

    Isn't it the Chinese that ignore/disregard anybody? As far as i know, the chinese historian academia is pretty much sinocentric and even worse chauvinistic. This is in contrast to modern western historical narrative that began to view history in a more objective manner and non-judgemental. A...
  11. M

    South China Sea Forum

    South Korea has also repeatedly shoot Chinese fishermen who entered Korean EEZ, and the Chinese has been queit all along. :azn: "It may be surprising to learn that, of the many maritime disputes in Asia, one of the most violent in the past few years has occurred between South Korea and China in...
  12. M

    South China Sea Forum

    And that's why China will only recieve hostility and suspicion from neighbouring countries, especially with ASEAN, Japan, and South Korea. All talk of "peaceful rising", yet glorifying and proud of the imperialistic past of China of conquering Vietnam. As far as the tendencies goes, most...
  13. M

    South China Sea Forum

    It's good that you realize China is as imperialistic as those great power used to have. So why do the chinese government and most of those mainland chinese continue hypocritically condemning Japanese trying to playdown what they've done in WW2 to most east asia, While at the same time the...
  14. M

    21st ASEAN Summit in Cambodia (from Nov. 18 to 20)

    :azn::azn::azn: Austronesian peoples migrated southeast to the rest of the Philippines, and into the islands of the Celebes Sea, Borneo, and Indonesia. The Austronesian peoples of Maritime Southeast Asia sailed eastward, and spread to the islands of Melanesia and Micronesia between 1200 BC and...
  15. M

    China’s e-passport maps irk neighbours

    This just come to my mind, If the map on the Chinese new passport reflects the sovereignty assertion of the Chinese territory by chinese government, this will create a double-edged swords to the chinese as the map didn;t draw similiar dashed line on the east China sea neighboring Japan and...
  16. M

    South China Sea Forum

    Multilateral dispute must be discussed multilaterally~ China's insistence of bilateral talk is ridiculously illogical
  17. M

    21st ASEAN Summit in Cambodia (from Nov. 18 to 20)

    Typical Chauvinistic Chinese who look down on others culture...:azn: Chinese civilization never was a maritime based culture, in fact Chinese was the late comer to explore the sea.... The supposedly "stone-age" people from your neighboring countries had already explored as far to Madagascar to...
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