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  1. M

    China should 'reconsider' who owns Okinawa: state media

    LOL~ isn;t it Chinese hobby to show old map to justified their claims? The first nine-line (thirteen to be exact) dash claim also appear around the same time those two maps were made, which become the basis of what today Chinese government claim (with some modification) The difference is, the...
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    China should 'reconsider' who owns Okinawa: state media

    Of course I know what is written there, it says: "Chinese Humiliation Map"; The map does not discriminate which is Chinese territory, which is tributary/vassal states. But to what extend does China considered what is theirs? This is not made clear so that China can opportunistically claim a lot...
  3. M

    China should 'reconsider' who owns Okinawa: state media

    Yeah~ "Chinese Nations" :devil: Let me show you map that present all ancient "Chinese nations" territories, officially made by Nationalist Government of China for the ultimate goal of "統一中國" (Unify all part of Chinese nations) The claim was so extraordinary to the...
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    China should 'reconsider' who owns Okinawa: state media

    Its funny why suddenly all my post picture was not viewable anymore in the post~ Luckily I;ve saved it for myself http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m235/hand15/8c7c2bc0jw1e2nendgis9j.jpg
  5. M

    China should 'reconsider' who owns Okinawa: state media

    Yes~ this is called "expansionism" in disguise; China justified their expansion by claiming it is part of China, they didn't not "invade" or "conquer" other countries, just "take back" what was theirs. By doing this, they could in other hand condemned Japan and America as Imperialists while in...
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    China should 'reconsider' who owns Okinawa: state media

  7. M

    China should 'reconsider' who owns Okinawa: state media

    Other interpretation by Past Chinese Nationalist Government regarding Unified China: Title: "China Humiliation Map" Yellow = Actual control by China Red Dash = Occupied by Japan Orange Dash = Occupied by British Green Dash = Occupied by France Purple Dash = Occupied by Soviet Union...
  8. M

    China should 'reconsider' who owns Okinawa: state media

    Okinawa is just the tip of an iceberg; This is the true vision of "Great Unified China" the Chinese ultranationalist aim for: Slowly but sure, they will find excuses through bogus historical interpretation to justified their claims.
  9. M

    China should 'reconsider' who owns Okinawa: state media

    Central theme of Chinese History understanding is that "Once other country territories became part of China (through conquest of course), it will remain part of China for eternities~ all foreign countries that regain back their territories from China are evil imperialists!"
  10. M

    China should 'reconsider' who owns Okinawa: state media

    Hmmm~ this is reminiscent of German Nazi argument to regain "lost" territories. Indeed, most Chinese historical narratives theme has always been centered on regaining past territories; the so called "统一中国" (unified China). Nationalists interprete this as unifying...
  11. M

    Indonesian president vows to outgun Australia

    Just as you said~ I think Australian in general are to paranoid towards Indonesia "invading" Australia, not militarily, but immigration-wise. Still fresh in mind that in 1998, when Asian financial crisis force Soeharto to resign and unleashed social and economic chaos in Indonesia, all news...
  12. M

    Indonesian president vows to outgun Australia

    Ooh~ We are "poor" and "backward" country we "can't compete" with Australia in military power, how can we afford to control people smuggler ~ :devil: :whistle:
  13. M

    Indonesian president vows to outgun Australia

    Most boat peoples are not Indonesians actually, they are Sri Lankan, Iraqis, Pakistanis, and Rohingya fleeing conflicts from their home countries to Australia via Indonesia. Most Indonesians detained by Australia are actually boat crews. In fact, Australia has been for years pleading Indonesia...
  14. M

    China detains 900 over toxic meat scandal

    I don't see anything wrong with preservatives, food preservation has been very important technology since antiquity. The misconception that if a food does not rot/spoiled for years -> full of preservatives -> bad for health is just plainly absurd. If you look at the video, the hamburger had...
  15. M

    South China Sea Forum

    Sigh~ I'm talking "connection" in term of physical claim. The sea between Christmas Island and Mainland Australia do not take into the form of U shaped as what China did. I don't know which reefs/banks have you been pointing, but from the calculation drawn according to UNCLOS, it is impossible...
  16. M

    South China Sea Forum

    Yes~ China claim the islands, but you cannot connect those islands with mainland to form a contigous baseline (U-shaped claim). In Australian example, McDonald Islands, Christmas Island, Cocos Islands, Norfolk Island and Macquarie Island do not connect to Mainland Australia. They are to be their...
  17. M

    South China Sea Forum

    Article 310 allow signing state to make a declarations, but clearly say it may not "purport to exclude or to modify the legal effect of the provisions of this Convention". It does not simply say, because China make a declaration, it may choose not to be bound by any of the UNCLOS article...
  18. M

    South China Sea Forum

    I don't think Chinese claim are base on extended seabed. Especially towards the claim of North Natuna sea. Extension of 200 nm won't reach Natuna Sea, as such China call them "traditional fisihing ground area" (中国传统捕鱼区). You assume the 9 dash...
  19. M

    South China Sea Forum

    ??? I don;t understand you language? UNCLOS set precedence for the existence of EEZ, before UNCLOS, there are no concept such as EEZ or archipelago water, and a country's sovereign territorial waters only extend beyond 6 km from it's coastline. States that did not enforce UNCLOS, only have...
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    South China Sea Forum

    Once ratified, a treaty/convention/agreement will be legally binding regardless of what individual country intrepret. A country may choose to ignore the treaty, but with consequences that might tarnish its commitment and honour. You also need to differentiate between valid dispute arising...
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