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China detains 900 over toxic meat scandal

yeah these cases are sick but they are not worse than very small kids who have to end their lives under violent sex crimes

Those inferior meat stuffs are sold mostly to underpriviledged families; sad for our poor folks

Glad that the Government is taking serious actions on these crooks

It seems that we have a lot more foreign visitors who come here than india - year after year!

Sexual crimes happen every where, statistics point that India is no where leading in that list. Regarding food, no visitor will be comfortable when they are suspicious of what they are eating and drinking.
Sexual crimes happen every where, statistics point that India is no where leading in that list. Regarding food, no visitor will be comfortable when they are suspicious of what they are eating and drinking.

Foreigners are not reported of suffering from any serious illness while visiting China

That is not to be worried

And it is the Government who does the crackdowns
some sick things are going on around.da fuq??rat meat??few months ago,it was horse meat that rocked the europe.what is happening??are we short of proper meat(mutton,chicken,lamb etc) or something??damn those people..

and @Chinese posters,

don't get excited too much.every country has some kind of flaw.nobody is perfect.try to accept it than poking other's issues.whats the point of posting news about sexual crime here??will it make you feel better??or is that will be your justification what they did by using rat for lamb??juveniles are coming here this days..no brainers who doesn't even think logically,just have some blind nationalism and hatred towards others.. :tdown:
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some sick things are going on around.da fuq??rat meat??few months ago,it was horse meat that rocked the europe.what is happening??are we short of proper meat(mutton,chicken,lamb etc) or something??damn those people..

and @Chinese posters,

don't get excited too much.every country has some kind of flaw.nobody is perfect.try to accept it than poking other's issues.whats the point of posting news about sexual crime here??will it make you feel better??or is that will be your justification what they did by using rat for lamb??juveniles are coming here this days..no brainers who doesn't even think logically,just have some blind nationalism and hatred towards others.. :tdown:

I agree. No need to be defensive. While debating, you don't bring in issues in other countries/other cases as if that would somehow justify China's own problems.

Development is a long process, from economic, social to political and cultural, etc. What we need to do is to admit and identify issues first. I am glad that the government is getting more serious. However, every single member of society is also responsible for his/her own actions. Blaming others and government is easy but futile.

It's rather funny to see those posters from developed countries poke fun at China for having various issues, while they conveniently forget their countries have gone through the same process. Plus, China's population magnifies problem.
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It is good that the government reacts and arrests all the crooks, still a lot of better than some country that eating too much preservative, while it needs its own civilian to reveal the truth, LMAO.

Meet The 14-Year Old Hamburger: Still looks the same... - YouTube
So where in Canada do you go to get your rat meat so you don't have to have hamburgers? Any good joints for kitten soup?

yeah these cases are sick but they are not worse than very small kids who have to end their lives under violent sex crimes

Those inferior meat stuffs are sold mostly to underpriviledged families; sad for our poor folks

Glad that the Government is taking serious actions on these crooks

It seems that we have a lot more foreign visitors who come here than india - year after year!
What is it with misdirection in these forums? The topic is tainted food....and you are howling about sex-crimes? Did the rat meat commit a sex-crime?
What is it with misdirection in these forums? The topic is tainted food....and you are howling about sex-crimes? Did the rat meat commit a sex-crime?

Tainted food rebuttal @ post 16

degree of social abhorrence towards social crime @ post 15

Get it?
It is good that the government reacts and arrests all the crooks, still a lot of better than some country that eating too much preservative, while it needs its own civilian to reveal the truth, LMAO.

I don't see anything wrong with preservatives, food preservation has been very important technology since antiquity.

The misconception that if a food does not rot/spoiled for years -> full of preservatives -> bad for health is just plainly absurd.

If you look at the video, the hamburger had been dehydrated thoroughly, of course it won't spoiled. Raw rice and every single cereals is preserved exactly by dehydrating it to dryness, making it possible to be stored for years without spoilage.It won't rot, but the taste might be degraded if you keep them for 14 years~ LOL

Salt, fat, sugar, alcohol, and acid is another preservatives; my salted fish and eggs still taste good after one year of storage; my sugar crystal doesn't goes bad despite storing it for years; wine has been enjoyed highly especially those which had been stored for hundreds of years!; Bee Cheng Hiang (美珍香) has been for decades selling pork jerky that won't even spoiled!

Please don't tell me "but it is chemical preservatives that is bad", Keep in mind, sugar (C6H12O6), salt (NaCl), alcohol (CH3CH2OH), and acid are all chemicals themselves~ a lot of chemical preservatives in processed food actually derived from its natural counterpart and has been shown to be safe for consumption. Examples includes benzoate (found in berries), acetate (vinegar), citrate (lemon and citrus), propanoate (produce naturally in human body); The problem is which chemicals is used for preservation. In developing countries like China, India, and Indonesia, they might use harmful chemicals; but I don't think that is the case in US and Europe that have strict food safety standard.

The fact that those hamburger is still preserved for 14 years shown the success of preservation technology. The combination of high fat, grease and salt content as in typical hamburger combined with dehydration makes it perfectly preserved. In fact, you could preserved any food just like that hamburger; of course taste will be a different matter.
In advanced societies.....the ability to preserve food is considered a good thing. Perhaps not so much in hunter-gatherer societies. PS, the fact that China arrested so many is a sign that they are cracking down on these practices. It will still take some years til nations will trust food exports, and you never totally fix this (Horse meat scandal as an example)
Capitalism at its infancy, CCTV are already Starting to broadcast crackdown on unsafe food, expect more stories like this in the future.
Well at least my beloved MacauSAR is still the second in the list of regions that live the longest,
also we eat and drink food and freaking dirty water from Mainland China every day.
Perhaps in a way this is good news?

There have been the big scandals in the past but considering the extent of the problem very few arrests. 900 arrests sounds like the start of a serious campain to clean things up.

When a goverment makes things a priority its going to look worse at first but hopefully better for the people of China in the long term.
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