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  1. T

    Threa of Christianity in China.

    It almost make me not wanting to come into this thread. which is a good thing. This thread need to be closed ASAP. It will be a trolling thread in no time.
  2. T

    Threa of Christianity in China.

    Its ok, keep it as it is. No need to pour more oil on the fire.
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    Threa of Christianity in China.

    Its not fair to call regard Hitler as a Christianity. He has his own brand of religion that mix his Aryan supremacy and Christianity. Also, most dictators who are Christians does mean that they use religion as motivation for committing atrocities and murder. Lets use two Muslims as an example...
  4. T

    Bridging Asia: China or India - Who will be ahead in 2030?

    True. I agree on that. But people just like to fight for the heck of it as they don't see the other person. But still, its better to be friendly then to fight even online.
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    Chuck Hagel is the new Secretary of Defense

    I don't believe Hagel is anti-Israel. I believe that America should continue to support Israel. Except We must also be fair to Palestinians Stop giving aides to anyone in middle east when America is bankrupt.
  6. T

    Bridging Asia: China or India - Who will be ahead in 2030?

    I made friends with Chinese, Indians, Americans and Brazilians. As I work for a international company. I like to use this forum to promote friendship between people instead of causing fights and trolling.
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    Bridging Asia: China or India - Who will be ahead in 2030?

    Well, you can make a difference by treating foreigner with kindness. It takes 1 person to start making a difference.
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    Bridging Asia: China or India - Who will be ahead in 2030?

    I wonder if Taiwanese are treated as members of the family or as a foreigner in Hong Kong. Since we don't speak Cantonese.
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    Pentagon lowers F-35 performance bar

    Well ,its still going to be the most advance plane out there not named F-22 when its inducted.
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    India's annual economic growth is expected to have slowed in Dec quarter

    And you may be right. What China would do is over report it during economic retraction. Under report it during expansion. So a 10 year growth would be accurate. A quarterly growth not so much. And you know why would China under report during expansion, for taming down inflation risk.
  11. T

    Exhibition: Indian cultural vestiges in Vietnam

    You are correct that he gained his enlightenment in India. But this is the first time that I heard of his birth place being a controversy. The fact that he is from Nepal is widely accepted.
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    Exhibition: Indian cultural vestiges in Vietnam

    Buddha is from present day Nepal. But what I compare is not just religion but the whole civilization. Russia's religion is from Eastern Roman empire at the time and Greece is regarded as part of the western civilization. But Russian civilization is hard pressed to be regarded as a western...
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    HAL's PMF/FGFA: The Truths You Always Suspected!

    So is it safe to say that India will contribute to PAKFA/FGFA as much as it did to SU30-MKI. SU-30MKI is a successful plane. So if India focus on this plane and try to get it inducted, than India is in a good shape.
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    Bridging Asia: China or India - Who will be ahead in 2030?

    And then it all crushing down on him as he realized that the movie was insulting the wrong group of people, not the white servants.
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    China Economy Forum

    How China's Renminbi Went From Overpriced Certificates To Major International Currency China is the world's second largest economy, yet it exercises tremendous capital control including restrictions on its currency, the renminbi. Chinese officials have previously said that they want to make...
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    Bridging Asia: China or India - Who will be ahead in 2030?

    I'm not a wannabe Chinese. I'm Chinese American. Though I have been living in America for decades. Before you were born. Have you seen that clip india superpower 2030? Can you answer me instead of attacking me. Its just a simple question.
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    Bridging Asia: China or India - Who will be ahead in 2030?

    I know some Chinese movies, even though I usually watch American movies. But the only India movie I know is the Indian superpower 2030. Have you seen it?
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    Exploring India

    You are correct, we need more threads that promote understanding between people instead of fighting and trolling. I enjoy going through this thread. Thanks also for being a reasonable voice from India.
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    Diaoyu Islands News and Updates

    Would Japan take over that island if its not for its invasion of Taiwan? No, no, no. They won't need to take control of this island unless its for invasion of Taiwan. Also, these islands were claimed as part of Taiwan long before Japanese invasion. Japan just didn't return all the islands it...
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    Bridging Asia: China or India - Who will be ahead in 2030?

    I don't know about any Chinese movie that you speak of. But just look up India superpower 2030 on youtube. You should go check it out and let me know what you think.
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