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  1. B

    What's in your Gun Locker?

    I had a Dumonthier cane gun that I sold at auction in January. It was a .45 with a carved elk horn handle. From France around 1875. Really cool. It was left to me by a family friend. All it did was sit in its case under my bed so I decided to sell it. Got a decent price. Used the money to...
  2. B

    What's in your Gun Locker?

    Not a whole lot. I have the AR, a Mossberg Home Defense 12 gauge, and a Hi Point .40. I want to pick up a Sig .40, maybe in November when I go to the next gun show.
  3. B

    What's in your Gun Locker?

    Here's the back of my Jeep. I just shot this about two minutes ago. It's a magnet so you can take it off when you want. Someone can steal it too, but... Had to cover my license plate. Don't know what kind of people are out there...
  4. B

    What's in your Gun Locker?

    Nice !! I saw a bumpersticker, it had a picture of an AR-15 on it and the caption read, 'It's because I'm black, isn't it ?'
  5. B

    What's in your Gun Locker?

    Never will happen. There's way too many of 'us' out there.
  6. B

    What's in your Gun Locker?

    I've seen Silver Bear. I'll pick a few boxes up the next gun show I go to. For 'cheap' stuff I use the Israeli Independence brand. They make decent stuff. I guess because they get enough 'practice'.
  7. B

    What's in your Gun Locker?

    I got a bunch of the Tulamo 5.56 for dirt cheap. Didn't like it at all. It has a varnish on the cases that gets sticky when it heats up. That's what I'm shooting in the video in post 296.
  8. B

    What's in your Gun Locker?

    I HATE the Russian steel case ammo. Sh1t jams up every other round.
  9. B

    What's in your Gun Locker?

    A little something I put together. A DPMS 5.56 with a few mods. Here I'm using the 45 degree iron sights at 100 yards. I'm at a state owned range. They only let you have three rounds in a mag at a time. Lame rule although it does keep you from ripping through tons of rounds. Also it makes you...
  10. B

    US pressurizes Arabs to drop weapon purchase from Pakistan

    How many pounds per square inch did the U.S. 'pressurize' the Arabs to ?:omghaha:
  11. B

    Iran to send second living creature into space soon

    The 'point' is... Iran fakes missile, space, aeronautic and other 'adventures' while the U.S. has really been to the moon numerous times years ago. Simple.:usflag:
  12. B

    We Can Still Get To You, Dilma...

    I'm sure the NSA is 'getting' Dilma every day. Do you believe 'The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion' are real ?:usflag:
  13. B

    U.S. Siezes Iranian Owned Building In Manhatten

    About EVERYONE thinks as I do when it comes to Iran. And the U.S. DID compensate Flt. 655 'victims', $61.8 million, an average of $213,103.45 per passenger. So, living off the Great Satan, are you ? :usflag:
  14. B

    U.S. Siezes Iranian Owned Building In Manhatten

    What Iranians die because of 'horrible U.S foreign policy?' Are you in the U.S. living off the fat of the Great Satan, young lady ? Iran flew Flt. 655 over a combat zone on purpose. They got the exact result they were looking for. They sacrificed those poor b^stards.
  15. B

    Japan, US, ASEAN must team up to counter China’s maritime advance

    If that was the attitude my enemy takes, I'd not wait and just crush them now. :usflag: As I've said before, tear up Article 9 of the Japanese constitution. Let them arm up !!! The Chinese would sh1t their p.j.'s. :cheers:
  16. B

    U.S. Siezes Iranian Owned Building In Manhatten

    And that money should go to the U.S. hostages for their illegal kidnapping by Iran for 444 days back in '79.:usflag:
  17. B

    U.S. Siezes Iranian Owned Building In Manhatten

    If anyone would know about a 'despotic tyrannical regime' it would be the Chinese. I trust them as far as I can throw them. It's always a buff with them to buy time.
  18. B

    We Can Still Get To You, Dilma...

    Do the Jews control the media, too ? Read the title again, please.
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