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  1. C

    Guys Avoid these places for your own safety.

    these comments wont stop india's growth or prevent tourist from coming in India in huge number but my Thread will surely save hundreds of lifes
  2. C

    Guys Avoid these places for your own safety.

    Indonesia is a good place i agree and good tourist destination from my point of view and many would agree too but the rest of the country are realy dangerous...and everyone will agree on this too...
  3. C

    Guys Avoid these places for your own safety.

    are you a kid, wikipedia can be edited by me, you and everyone...by the way your country Paksitan is top 10 most dangerous country and with good intention i want to spread it...
  4. C

    Guys Avoid these places for your own safety.

    Top 10 Worst Countries to Travel( With Proof)? Here is my list with Proof. Tell me if agree or not. 1. Afghanistan (http://www.voyage.gc.ca/countries_pays/r… ) 2. Pakistan (http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw… http://www.voyage.gc.ca/countries_pays/r… 3. Somalia (Somalia...
  5. C

    Guys Avoid these places for your own safety.

    either your friend is a lier or you have problems with ear drums... pakistan is in most of the most dangerous list and no foreigner wants to visit that place though Iam sure eventualy it will attract a good amount of tourist till then prevention is better than cure
  6. C

    Guys Avoid these places for your own safety.

    Pakistan should be happy that they are at no.5 not at no. 1 and i know if they put aside all the bad attitude, corrupt politician and work to eliminate terrorist they can come down to no.8 or no.9 position....so no need to be so narrow minded
  7. C

    Guys Avoid these places for your own safety.

    why are you upon Past my dear and these things have never stopped millions of tourists pouring in India every year and staying here for months and by the way this list is not about most Favorited destination but most dangerous country
  8. C

    Guys Avoid these places for your own safety.

    dont go offtopic please..we know why they are listed in most dangerous country because of these kind of behaviour so avoid them...ask mods to make it sticky
  9. C

    Guys Avoid these places for your own safety.

    Apart from pakistan there are 9 other countries aswell and I want people to have safe and good life...when i searched for the list i even dint knew that Pakistan is in the list..trust me..
  10. C

    Guys Avoid these places for your own safety.

    we have humanity.....dont be selfish we should think about everyone...
  11. C

    Guys Avoid these places for your own safety.

    but we have many tourists in our country and they have nice things to say and India is not in any such list second this is not about India but to create awareness about most dangerous countries in the world
  12. C

    Guys Avoid these places for your own safety.

    seeing its popularity iam sure many non Pakistanis also visit this forum.. and you yourself should promote this as a good human... second dont abuse, this is one of the reason pakistan is in the list
  13. C

    Guys Avoid these places for your own safety.

    just imagine your mother wants to go to afganistan/pakistan/iraq or any place in this list and she doesnt know anything about these countries..would you allow her to go or tell her the same thing that this list is saying??
  14. C

    Guys Avoid these places for your own safety.

    this is the 2011 news...latest...and with good intentions... i have posted same thread in other forums as well so that many people can know about these things..you surely dont want any foreigner to lose their life because of lack of knowledge
  15. C

    Guys Avoid these places for your own safety.

    ask yourself, would you allow your parents/siblings/relatives to travel to any of the countries in the list?? no wrong intentions but to spread awareness..
  16. C

    Guys Avoid these places for your own safety.

    only Indians say these things and to the rest of the world Pakistan is known for all wrong reasons..
  17. C

    Guys Avoid these places for your own safety.

    Mods should make this thread sticky and we should spread this news to everyone in this world so that they can have safe and happy life..no bad intentions
  18. C

    Guys Avoid these places for your own safety.

    02 : Iraq 01 : Somalia http://www.tiptoptens.com/2011/01/28/top-10-most-dangerous-countries-in-the-world/
  19. C

    Guys Avoid these places for your own safety.

    Top 10 Most Dangerous Countries in The World There are many Countries in the World which are not economically and politically stable and some are under terrorist attacks where terrorism is killing hundreds of people daily, Countries which are not economically strong have very weak armed forces...
  20. C

    Acts of Terrorism in Pakistan

    RIP the deceased...
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