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  1. M

    AERO INDIA 2009

    India never had any MIG-21 in 1962 that says a lot about the knowledge of wendell minnick .
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    Troop Movements Reported Along Bangladesh-Burma Border

    India has good relations with both and as a responsible regional power it seeks regional harmony and there is nothing wrong if India intervene to defuse tensions.
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    India's Nuclear Agreement

    Russia, India Sign USD 700 million in Nuclear Fuel Deals Russia signed more than $700 million in deals on Wednesday to supply India's nuclear reactors with fuel pellets, Russia's state-owned nuclear company said in a statement. Major nuclear powers -- including Russia, European states and...
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    Troop Movements Reported Along Bangladesh-Burma Border

    India should intervene and defuse tensions b/w two nations.Besides U.S. is looking for it's own interests.
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    'India's secret N-submarine project nearing completion'

    Even a 5 year old can do that as all the answers are available on blogs and you just have to see the answers and mark them.So not a surprise as anyone who can read and operate computer can do it.
  6. M

    NISHANT UAV to be handed over to Indian Army soon

    So next time you see a UAV on Pak's eastern border you should know it's Nishant ‘end of darkness’ .:enjoy: :enjoy:
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    Will IAF have an edge over PAF in advanced air weaponry?

    Take out nukes either by declaring that you are not going to use them in first strike or under nuclear umbrella by china and I can bet within a year you will have India army standing next to you in Pak.It is just the nukes due to which the decision maker on India side has to be very strong...
  8. M

    Will IAF have an edge over PAF in advanced air weaponry?

    Besides IAF also have mig-27 and jaguars for ground attack and mig-21 bisons too are very good interceptors,but IAF also has to take into consideration PLAAF.Pak actually is not that worrisome in conventional war but it is the nukes that is keeping India from engaging in war.
  9. M

    Which plane will Delhi pick for $10 Billion 126 plane bid?

    Best of luck for Russia and EU. :tup: :tup:
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    It's official - India is not ready for war

    Taking into account Pak's response and attitude a war is definitely going to happen in next few years especially the increasing deterioration of PAK by Taliban and extremists.
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    Al-Qaeda warns India of new attacks

    They are only helping Taliban reorganize and are recruiting ground for extremists and U.S. will do whatever possible to avert any danger to it's soldiers.So if Pak cant do it,U.S. will irrespective of what people in Pak believe.
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    Indian Economy - News & Updates - Archive

    South Asia to expand regional trade by 25% to stem global eco woes New Delhi, Feb 11: South Asian countries on Wednesday agreed to expand free trade within the region by 25 per cent in the next one year to make up for declining demand in the west for the merchandise produced in the Saarc...
  13. M

    JF-17 has edge over LCA: Pak officials

    Mig-21, jaguar and your so on are just for defence in Indian skies and act as interceptors and second line of defence.And Besides I think Paf has Mirage ROSE fighters mainly for dropping Nukes and that is why they have not decommissioned them.
  14. M

    Which plane will Delhi pick for $10 Billion 126 plane bid?

    Rafale for sure if chosen on basis of capability and price as well as TOT.However i expect order of both Rafale and F-18 S/H which has excellent weapons even if full ToT wont be given. Eurofighter too expensive even if it can super cruise W/O afterburner, F-16IN even if superb is unlikely to be...
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    Indian Army thread

    General K. Sundarji General Sundarji was amongst the most farsighted armoured corps commanders in the Indian Army. Despite being commissioned in the infantry, he was a keen student and admirer of tank warfare. He pioneered various operational guidelines, challenged his commanders to push the...
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    India could seek foreign help for light combat aircraft

    You are only making fool of your own. Go here. Military Channel :: TV Listings :: Extreme Machines - Military Force And watch it on 10 feb.
  17. M

    India could seek foreign help for light combat aircraft

    If only you had access to DISCOVERY-EXTREME MACHINES. Stop reading wikipedia and go straight to discovery.com and type extreme machine.There you will find an episode which will tell you about how stealth technology of F22 Raptor was borrowed from F-117 and thrust vector from X-31.Stop making...
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    Indian Economy - News & Updates - Archive

    India has 248.611 billion USD and Iran has 80 billion USD.
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    India could seek foreign help for light combat aircraft

    First of all tell me has anything change in last 8 years in Pak or not ???? What he said in 2001 is irreleveant today as India has changed in last 8 years drastically and progressed and so has the LCA.Quote a recent article if you wanna argue on your point.
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    BJP revives temple plan ahead of polls

    BJP is just doing that to get votes in U.P.Even they know NDA allies wont let them make it.It is just a BS statement by Rajnath Singh as he too is aware that without U.P. NDA has very little chance to come in power.The Temple issue is best left untouched and if to be solved should be done...
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