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  1. croptikal

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    No, UN has given India the right to administer the Kashmir and has entrusted it with the duty of conducting a plebiscite. So, give back the Occupied Kashmir to us and then ask for a plebscite. As for Occupied Kashmir being 'Azad' and not under Pakistani control, this argument is a...
  2. croptikal

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Return Pak Occupied Kashmir to India with the same demographics as that of 48. Then Pakistan has the legal and moral right to demand plebiscite.
  3. croptikal

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Plebiscite is not taking place because Pakistan has not been sticking to its end of the bargain. Once Pakistan does its part of resolution, India will do its part of resolution depending on its feasibility.
  4. croptikal

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    No. Its true that there are anti-Indian feelings in Kashmir, but people do not want to join Pakistan. They will simply laugh at such a thought. You have to understand that Kashmiris are outsiders and do not share the optimism that Pakistanis here have about Pakistan's future.
  5. croptikal

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Geelani Sahab has no mass support as of today. He is obviously being funded by Pakistan(it was recently revealed by another Hurriyat leader). There is no surprise in his statements.
  6. croptikal

    Pakistan's Biggest Threat

    TTP is the most imminent threat as of now. In the long term, the biggest threat to Pakistan is PA and its wild ways. PA has consistently stopped democracy from blooming in Pakistan. Also PA has diverted and still diverts disproportional resources towards the military neglecting the general...
  7. croptikal

    17 Top Pak Officials Protecting Us Interests In NWFP

    Sir, the above statement seems like a idealist's statement. In every country one can find officer's who are ready to go against their national intrests for the right price.
  8. croptikal

    Diplomat: Pakistan holding up some US visas

    Sir, with due respect to your authority, may I draw your attention that the poster Thomas has not 'denigrated an entire country', instead he has only said that many Pakistanis support their ideology. The distinction between what Thomas has said and what you conclude it is vast. I have noticed...
  9. croptikal

    Kashmir Conflict 101 - An independent view

    Very true. Thats why you could not hold on to East Pakistan while Kashmir is still with us. Yatho Dharmah, Thato Jayah(Victory is only there, where there is Justice).
  10. croptikal

    Baloch senator clears India of any ‘interference’ in Balochistan'

    Nope, on the contrary, even today ISI is trying to reignite that movement...
  11. croptikal

    Baloch senator clears India of any ‘interference’ in Balochistan'

    ^^not just Khalistan, but even ULFA and BODO were/are supported by ISI. Indian Mujahideen's trainers have been traced to Pakistan. Kashmir is an excuse...to justify terrorism. On one side terrorism is being excused by giving lame 'causes' as justifications on the other hand India is being...
  12. croptikal

    Put pressure on India to talk to us-Pakistan

    India is in Astan to develop its economy, infrastructure, security and society against the proxies of Pakistan. In this relationship both India and Astan are fighting against the Pakistan's idea of strategic depth. The concept of 'Strategic depth' is damaging to both India and Astan because in...
  13. croptikal

    Baloch senator clears India of any ‘interference’ in Balochistan'

    Are only Pakistanis 'innocent'? Are Indians who die in the hands of terror groups not 'innocent'? Pakistani sponsored terrorism has killed lot of Kashmiris as well as other Indians. Are those victims not 'innocents'?
  14. croptikal

    Baloch senator clears India of any ‘interference’ in Balochistan'

    Pakistan is supporting terror groups that are operating both within Kashmir and outside of it. 26/11 was in Mumbai, sir. Mumbai is not a disputed territory, right?!! Either you condemn the terrorism of all kinds and dont justify it or simply take terrorism in your stride and dont complain...
  15. croptikal

    Diplomat: Pakistan holding up some US visas

    If that is the case then have your armed forces rejected or appealed the Govt to reject the US aid? Sir, can you please elaborate on what are the ways in which Pakistan can come out of its present economic crisis without US help infact active US hostility.
  16. croptikal

    Baloch senator clears India of any ‘interference’ in Balochistan'

    Ahsan, Pakistan has supported and still supports terror Orgs that are wreaking havoc in India from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. You cannot justify terrorism by one group and condemn it when it suits you. Either you should condemn it outright or accept it as the games the nations play. You cannot be...
  17. croptikal

    Put pressure on India to talk to us-Pakistan

    Yep, *** will have to be closed as a route for Chinese. Also *** can link India to Astan directly.
  18. croptikal

    Put pressure on India to talk to us-Pakistan

    Obama's ratings would go down seriously if he loses the war after putting so many resources in it. Republicans will portray Obama as whimp who lost the war because he did not have the stomach to take hard decisions. Obama has no choice but to stay and win the war. The terms and conditions of...
  19. croptikal

    Put pressure on India to talk to us-Pakistan

    The distinction between these groups is non-existent. The Gen.s who run these gangs are all same people who fought the Soviets. The footsoldiers are recruited and trained everyday, though. After Lal Masjid, TTP and ISI became rivals. Till then ISI was comfortable with TTP. TTP did have...
  20. croptikal

    Put pressure on India to talk to us-Pakistan

    IF US LEAVES... we can discuss such scenarios if and when US actually leaves. US has not left any place that it stationed its armies except perhaps Vietnam.
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