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  1. F

    EADS Eurofighter in the MRCA competition Thread

    What? Yeah the US has far, far more Nobel Prizes, but India with its substandard education system, pervasive poverty, managed to come up with people without whom much of nuclear technology wouldn't exist, radios wouldn't exist, fibreoptics wouldn't exist and so much more. Not enough? What about...
  2. F

    EADS Eurofighter in the MRCA competition Thread

    20-25 years? Mmm, Chinas GDP has gone from 1.3T (~Indias current GDP) to 4.33T in 7 years 2003-10, over a tripling in total nominal GDP. What will they do in another 7 years? Another tripling? What will India do? Your external debt it 13.77T, funds are being slashed from NASA. How the hell is...
  3. F

    India completes propulsion system design of its new cruise missile ‘Nirbhay’

    US technology is definitely not pulling away. Definitely, definitely not, quite the opposite, don't kid yourself.
  4. F

    EADS Eurofighter in the MRCA competition Thread

    Absolutely not, the US might have the left overs from its Golden Age, in other words its education system. This is what attracts foreign students, however these students are once again retaining their links back to their country, they might study in the US but many return to their home...
  5. F

    EADS Eurofighter in the MRCA competition Thread

    Money? Umm labour in China is cheaper than in the US? They are at most 10 years behind the US technology wise. Look at your current generation of academia. Kids in the US/West prefer to become carpenters because it pays more than a lowly scientist. Don't deny that the top kids in your schools...
  6. F

    India completes propulsion system design of its new cruise missile ‘Nirbhay’

    And become another one of US's client states? No thanks, we have decent relations with China.
  7. F

    India completes propulsion system design of its new cruise missile ‘Nirbhay’

    No, that is silly, people over there bash the GoI and many parts of India regularly.
  8. F

    India completes propulsion system design of its new cruise missile ‘Nirbhay’

    Go read the BRF, many of my posts would be quickly put down in those forums.
  9. F

    India completes propulsion system design of its new cruise missile ‘Nirbhay’

    Right, perhaps I should have done my research. I wasn't aware of any hypersonic cruise missile project in the US. Anyway a mere 10 years ago India had nothing close to the ability of US R&D. The mere fact that Brahmos corp has tested (even if only in the lab) a hypersonic missile is a testament...
  10. F

    EADS Eurofighter in the MRCA competition Thread

    You overestimate the technical prowess of the US. Highly over estimate it. You also underestimate the resolve of other countries to bridge the current gap.
  11. F

    India completes propulsion system design of its new cruise missile ‘Nirbhay’

    Okay, care to place a bet? India will come up with a hypersonic missile before the US?
  12. F

    India completes propulsion system design of its new cruise missile ‘Nirbhay’

    We'll see. I have my money on a Brahmos hypersonic missile taking to the skies in 2012.
  13. F

    India completes propulsion system design of its new cruise missile ‘Nirbhay’

    What the ****? Proxies, civil wars, trains? lol what? India has always been non-aligned, during the cold war we were closer to the USSR than the US. While Pakistan was firmly in the US + China camp. It was superior weaponry from the US that gave you the superior kill ratio in the air in the 1965...
  14. F

    India completes propulsion system design of its new cruise missile ‘Nirbhay’

    Do you see what I mean? Pakistanis really believe their military was ever superior to the Indians. They really believe it, with all their tiny little hearts.
  15. F

    Blast in Pune

    Lives were lost, but if it was an accident, nobody can be put to blame. While terrorists target innocent people.
  16. F

    Agni III doesn't pose threat, we share friendly relations with India: China

    10^10 trillion petaflops of brain power was used for his insightful analysis.
  17. F

    Blast in Pune

    Reports are still conflicting for me.
  18. F

    Blast in Pune

    It's a bakery, not really a terrorist target?
  19. F

    Blast in Pune

    I'm hearing its an LPG tank bursting.
  20. F

    India completes propulsion system design of its new cruise missile ‘Nirbhay’

    There is no counter to Brahmos in the armed forces of any of Indias enemies. We have no reason to worry. What has Israel sold to China, other than expertise on the Lavi which was a while back, before India and Israel had strong relations.
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