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  1. F

    Blast in Pune

    Is this guy really a moderator? Wow, I think I'll consider it an honour to get banned by such an illustrious character, anyway it'll take 5 minutes to renew my ip and make a new account.
  2. F

    Blast in Pune

    By that regard WWII was really a draw. Have you heard about Strategic/Tactical victory?
  3. F

    Blast in Pune

    Rant? Please look up the definition of a rant. Everybody and his dog knows Pakistan is a hive for international terrorists. The US has asked Pakistan to do more to change that. Inaction against terrorists is the same as supporting a terrorist.
  4. F

    Blast in Pune

    1965 and 1971 were started by Pakistan.
  5. F

    Blast in Pune

    The big difference is the US believes our evidence, while they don't believe yours. I can't see any media reports saying that evidence was shown to India. Please post links.
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    Blast in Pune

    Umm, thats not propaganda, that's fact? Are you seriously denying that? It's a cafe frequented by foreigners. It makes bigger headlines if foreigners die.
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    Blast in Pune

    It's propaganda if its institutionalised through the government, as is the case in Pakistan. For example, you think Pakistan won in 1965. Which it didn't. If the media is reporting false things. Thats a blow to the credibility of private businesses. If your government reports false things...
  8. F

    Blast in Pune

    Agreed. But I hear some editors are still fairly credible. But people will listen when Govt officials speak. It's not propaganda, propaganda has to be Govt. spreading the wrong information, the media has got it wrong, like so many other times. Hmm you would think Pakistanis would know what...
  9. F

    India completes propulsion system design of its new cruise missile ‘Nirbhay’

    Uhh we are inducting Brahmos in large numbers. 2000 are expected to be made, 1000 in Indian/Russian service. However as of yet, Russia hasn't inducted any themselves.
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    Blast in Pune

    Blasphemy, everything the Indian Media has to say about Pakistan, whether it be true or not, is propaganda when it suits Pakistan.
  11. F

    EADS Eurofighter in the MRCA competition Thread

    Nobody can doubt the quality and integrity of Pakistan and its schools after reading insightful comments like yours.
  12. F

    India completes propulsion system design of its new cruise missile ‘Nirbhay’

    It is in the US's interest to prop up the Pakistani military, as long as it is in Afghanistan. After that, mm, not really. GoUS policies are under constant criticism because of its support of a known hive of international terrorism. Please explain, how are rail guns going to defeat...
  13. F

    Blast in Pune

    Any terrorist attacks on Indian territory is VERY significant. I'm sorry that you don't think so, perhaps its because your country is rocked by attacks every day.
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    'Botched' finger surgery claims Mohammed's Army dream

    How is this related to Indian defence?
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    India completes propulsion system design of its new cruise missile ‘Nirbhay’

    What? I said your military was always weaker relative to the Indian military? You did have superior aircraft though.
  16. F

    India completes propulsion system design of its new cruise missile ‘Nirbhay’

    **** it, this guy is an idiot. Obviously now that I can't be bothered writing an essay to refute his idiotic claims, he'll say that he was actually right.
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    India completes propulsion system design of its new cruise missile ‘Nirbhay’

    USN ships can't intercept a barrage of Brahmos strikes.
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    EADS Eurofighter in the MRCA competition Thread

    Yes I do know the USA has given much to science. And at the moment is at the top of the pile. But India has done its share and it has the potential to do much more.
  19. F

    Missile maker Raytheon bidding for tank upgrade in India

    Upgrade T - 72s AND induct Arjuns :D
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