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  1. syeda bukhary

    Denied Gen Khali Qadwaai to Dr AQ Khan.

    Gen Khalid Qadwai has denied dr abdul qadeer khan, as dr A Q khan said before that, Pak Army, I S I, and Gen Musharaf is involved in north koria urinam matter.
  2. syeda bukhary

    What If YOU Slip Infront Of Crowd ?

    excuse me sir, with due respect wana say, yes its a Defence forum, as u sad, bt its gup shup forum also its for ,dil bher k kuch bhe kaho... i my self is a psychiatrist.so being a psychiatrist its a v important quest fo minds,if u wanw know others mind .. we asked this quest 2 Gen Fahim...
  3. syeda bukhary

    What If YOU Slip Infront Of Crowd ?

    What ifyou slip infront of crowd ??: And, What if someone else slip infront of you ????::oops:
  4. syeda bukhary

    who comes in your DreaM very often,??

    Hi, have yoy ever noticed? Whocomes in your SREAMS very often????????:mod:
  5. syeda bukhary

    Suggest A Title

    1): police k dhanak rangbarish kay sang. 2): rainy unity of oplice under the raimbow umrella..
  6. syeda bukhary

    Suggest A Title

    Titles com 2 mind r in urdu... 1): Police kay dhanak rang barish k sang..2): Rainy unity of police under the raimbow
  7. syeda bukhary

    When you see a mirror,

    Reality isn't the way you wish things to be, nor the way they appear to you, but the way they actually are.
  8. syeda bukhary

    When you see a mirror,

    When you see a mirror, you think of ???????????????????:flame:
  9. syeda bukhary

    Make Up Your MIND What You WANT

    The shortest distance btween two points is a straight line. This geomatric truth should be taken heart by anyone,who wishes make a success of his career. It is obvious that if people with equal qualifications start from scratch, the first reach the winning post will be trhe one who know what...
  10. syeda bukhary

    Do We Have STONE HEART

    Thosewho deny freedom to others,deserve it not 4 themeselves and under a just "GOD" cannot long retain it.... People around the world r caught by a bizarre spiral of violance. It seems that peace is allergic 2 the present...
  11. syeda bukhary

    Introducing Twine

    courageous risks are life giving,. They help u grow, make u brave and better then u think u r.
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