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  1. NaqsheYaar

    IMPLEMENT system of ALLAH

    Well let that Ghazwa come to pass... That's going to change a lot of people's hearts... We don't anymore live in those early ages of history, when human thinking was primeval and simple. Now there are a lot of variables and factors that affect today's man's point of view. Hence only dialogue...
  2. NaqsheYaar

    IMPLEMENT system of ALLAH

    Insha-Allah once Khilafat is established, it would be a beacon of light for the whole world!! Not only native non-muslims, but others from around the world would want to live in Khilafat. Also there is no one in sight right now. He would be a gift from the Almighty. Prophet Muhammad (saw) has...
  3. NaqsheYaar

    IMPLEMENT system of ALLAH

    Well I am not against Indians or even Israelis for that matter (That's because I believe in Qaza & Qadar, predestination. It's only by the providence of Allah that I was born into a Muslim family...) What I am saying is that by the time Khilafat is established and declared as such, there won't...
  4. NaqsheYaar

    IMPLEMENT system of ALLAH

    Let us all pray that may Allah help us all in our lives to be on the right path, and may Allah grant this Ummah unity & peace and may Allah protect Muslims all over the world from our enemies, Ameen Ya Rabbal Aalameen!!
  5. NaqsheYaar

    IMPLEMENT system of ALLAH

    Man what do you think of Pakistan. I think it's hopeless to debate with you on this issue :rofl: :bunny:
  6. NaqsheYaar

    IMPLEMENT system of ALLAH

    Man you are so funny, what kind of Ahadeeth are you quoting to support your point here, Hahaha :rofl:
  7. NaqsheYaar

    IMPLEMENT system of ALLAH

    Wow, HuT thinks of Jinnah as a traitor!! And they also think that India should be invited to join Khilafat. That confirms it for me that they are Anti-Pakistan. Very poor show Hut!! Thank God that I recognise you now. Like every other religious group, you would be consigned to the Dust-bin of...
  8. NaqsheYaar

    IMPLEMENT system of ALLAH

    Yes insha-Allah brother!! @ others... I dont' want to talk more about it, as I think I am satisfied with my research. If there was anything new I come across, I would 'bump' this thread back to life then. Also I won't be able to transfer all of my knowledge-base (whatever little knowledege I...
  9. NaqsheYaar

    IMPLEMENT system of ALLAH

    Again it's only 'my research'. I have only glued different bits together to come to this conclusion. I think I should start finding another suitable forum for me :bunny:
  10. NaqsheYaar

    IMPLEMENT system of ALLAH

    Unfortunately, I think we dont' like each other much :rofl: Plus, it's bound to happen, God's verdict. Sounds strange yeah, but nonetheless :undecided: Again people would only believe it, when they see it unfold before their eyes. “An invasion of armies can be resisted but not an idea...
  11. NaqsheYaar

    IMPLEMENT system of ALLAH

    I understand and appreciate your concern (Dard) that you have for the atrocities committed against Muslims of the world. But please bear in mind brother, that there are two kinds of changes that could be brought about... One is where we humans try to force a change in our condition by consistent...
  12. NaqsheYaar

    IMPLEMENT system of ALLAH

    He's referring to Ghazwae Hind mate :bounce:
  13. NaqsheYaar

    Pastor plans to burn effigy of Prophet of Islam

    But he would get the attention he wants nonetheless :undecided:
  14. NaqsheYaar

    Pastor plans to burn effigy of Prophet of Islam

    "Somebody is gona get hurt real bad" -- Russel Peters I think they are calling it upon themselves. The divine wrath, if you know what I am saying.
  15. NaqsheYaar

    IMPLEMENT system of ALLAH

    I agree with the Hadith mashAllah!! BUT I have something more to say...!! Personally Dr. Israr was the only Islamic scholar for me who made most sense to me, and I thought he was very convincing. Then I really got interested (though not practically in terms of Dhikr and so on, but...
  16. NaqsheYaar

    IMPLEMENT system of ALLAH

    In my opinion, HuT's ideas are similar to late Dr. Israr's, for which they win my partial vote. Though I have my doubts about it, as we are practically living in the end of days period where we know things would be all so mixed up and compounded that it would become very difficult to distinguish...
  17. NaqsheYaar

    IMPLEMENT system of ALLAH

    Well my understanding is that the Mahdi would be so knowledgeable that Human history shoudn't have seen the likes of whom in the last one thousand years at least. He is described as the "Owner of Time", of course I don't completely know the meaning of this phrase...
  18. NaqsheYaar

    where will grounded A-5'S go?

    Kamikaze missions :mps:
  19. NaqsheYaar

    IMPLEMENT system of ALLAH

    Hahaha, :bunny: On a serious note though, I was referring to the Mahdi who would have dvine wisdom. I personally would not accept anybody as a Caliph who is only marginally more knowledgeable than me. I would only accept somebody as a Caliph if he would truely startle me with his brilliance and...
  20. NaqsheYaar

    IMPLEMENT system of ALLAH

    A Caliph should be a person who should have answers to every question on the face of the earth... Any sort of inquiries not just Islamic or Shariah related. If that's not the case, he shouldn't be regarded as a Caliph I think.
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