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  1. L

    Su-30 vs. F-35

    have a look and don't wonder how or why just listen learn and get a clue! :toast_sign:
  2. L

    Su-30 vs. F-35

    why would you celebrate someone getting banned from a defense forum
  3. L

    Su-30 vs. F-35

    I see there must be a lot of gamers or kids on these sites because grown men would not engage in conversation like this. Does anyone posting here have any credible licensed documents showing military background. I have never seen so much hatred and name calling over opinions of planes, its...
  4. L

    'Osama bin Laden is living in Washington': Ahmadinejad

    Wherever these terrorist cells lie and wait, I do hope we all stay vigilant and spring the trap when the time presents itself. It's like a snake living in your toilet and you sit down and it attacks the most vulnerable part of you.. Why do others attack freedom ? its beyond me! If I was the...
  5. L

    Su-30 vs. F-35

    I have been going over some of the posts and everyone has raised some great points about some of the differences with the two air crafts. It does seem that some of the Russian MIGS and SU air crafts:usflag: have great range and speed while the US stealth f35 and 22 pose significant advantages...
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