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  1. J

    Self immolation in China proved to be false hoax staged by the Chinese CCP

    "Self-Immolation" Watch Video Online: Hi | Low"Self-Immolation" - Clearwisdom.Net Analysis of Video Footage of the "Tiananmen Self-Immolation" After July 20, 1999, Jiang Zemin's faction launched a far-reaching campaign of disinformation to justify its persecution of Falun Gong and to...
  2. J

    Chinese spying on Falun Gong convicted in Germany

    how would they get money out of us if we dont have to pay anything,,, its all taught for free cause the world needs truthfulness and compassion and forbearance and you cant charge for that. There is no membership and organisation lists, SO how could they get money out of us.. It Is an oxymoron...
  3. J

    Chinese spying on Falun Gong convicted in Germany

    Yes i know but because they are Chinese they need to know the truth and quit the CCP as soon as they can. The CCP will be destroyed like all evil entities and if by knowing the truth about the evil persecution against the innocent Falun Gong they can quit the CCP in their hearts then they will...
  4. J

    Chinese spying on Falun Gong convicted in Germany

    Transmission6-10 a 2hour movie on all you need to know what the regime is doing inside China and to the rest of the world..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yL4KrZsDVM&feature=player_embedded#at=73 Full of VIP's , there is your proof guys!!
  5. J

    Chinese spying on Falun Gong convicted in Germany

    What is that we do that is so bad ? As far as I can see nothing. And another 114 countries all around the world have no problem with us either. In fact we have won hundreds and thousands of awards all around the world. Your mind has been deeply poisoned by the communist rhetoric. Only one of...
  6. J

    Chinese spying on Falun Gong convicted in Germany

    The facts remain that Falun Gong is not a religion or a cult. We are all about freedom of mind and heart.We have no registrations, no list of who are a practitioners , There are no fees, everything is taught for free and is voluntarily and we can come and go as we please. Yet the Chinese...
  7. J

    Chinese spying on Falun Gong convicted in Germany

    Simply not true at all. These holes prompted International Education Development, an NGO affiliated with the United Nations , to issue the following statement during the 2001 session of the UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights: "The regime points to a supposed...
  8. J

    Chinese spying on Falun Gong convicted in Germany

    That is simply not true. The CCp orchestrated a massive propaganda campaign on the Chinese people discrediting Falun gong and hoping to instil fear and loathing. In early 2001, desperate to turn the tide against Falun Gong, the Chinese Communist Party attempted an outrageous stunt: a staged...
  9. J

    Chinese spying on Falun Gong convicted in Germany

    Well lets be truthful here its not exactly one spy is it, Its millions of spies all over the world and on the internet.
  10. J

    Chinese spying on Falun Gong convicted in Germany

    I have never read anywhere what you have just written about the founder of Falun Gong. If you have been told this or read on some other slandering CCP propaganda site then i can't really say anything and of course you will believe what the CCP tells you. But the facts speak for themselves. All...
  11. J

    Chinese spying on Falun Gong convicted in Germany

    Falun Gong is admired supported and welcomed around the world, including in Hong Kong.It is also practised in 114 countries all around the world. Because I am a Westerner you can easily trust me on this point. I ask you to ponder this : "If Falun Gong was how the CCP portrays us, would Falun...
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