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  1. M

    Happy New Year 2012! Taiwan's GDP is now Half a Trillion!

    Yup, you are right. I and many other Vietnames are really upset with the economic situation of Vietnam today. This is a long story and I think the main reason comes from Vietnam government currently headed by Nguyen Tan Dung. Our economy now is much worse than other ASEAN countries and is...
  2. M

    China, the Philippines agree to downplay maritime disputes, enhance economi

    Yes, we must say sorry to Philippine if those fishermen violate your territory. This is a good lesson for them and other Vietnames fishermen to respect any other country territories, not only Philippine, and not do anything illegally. Their act of stealing do not have any support from any...
  3. M

    China, Philippines agree to safeguard peace in South China Sea

    Come on, you are trying to tell lie to others. You said you are a true Phillipino but still everything you try to tell is completely different. Do you have any proof that Vietnamese saying is absolute different with that you have done to your neighbours? What have we done to Laos, Thailand...
  4. M

    China, Philippines agree to safeguard peace in South China Sea

    I personally think Mr Aquino No.1 is a Chinese born Phillipino. First, I have read newspapers from Phillipine with comments of Phillipino and they re very much different about what he speaks about Chinese in this forum. Second, he always speak about the "invasion plan" of Vietnam to...
  5. M

    China, Philippines agree to safeguard peace in South China Sea

    This is some kind of bull **** thought from Chinese. I have no idea where you get this from. Every Vietnamese from small was taught that Laos/Cambodian are brothers and should be treated with love and respect. We never have any dream to control anything. This is completely different with the...
  6. M

    Rebel China village of Wukan postpones protest march

    I think these are the problems of the communist government in Vietnam as all other communist governments. There is very little speech and religious freedom in Vietnam nowadays and many people are fighting to have more. It is very alike with Falun Gong andTibet's monks in Chinese. However I think...
  7. M

    Taiwan's opposition/independence party head open to China unification

    Yes, I think this list of China is very long and will grow with time. China must take back a lot of lost territories from other countries.
  8. M

    When did South China Sea become China's "core interest"?

    Come on, Feng Shui and Yi Jing are just pseudo-science invented by ancient people when they had few knowledge about surrounding world. They do not give much any impact on the modern science and life. Why do we have to spend a lot of efforts to claim who first discovered them?
  9. M

    When did South China Sea become China's "core interest"?

    Good to know some of the thinking of Chinese.
  10. M

    When did South China Sea become China's "core interest"?

    There are still a lot of debates. But it seems that there is a mixture of people moving from Indonesian, who came first from at hundred of thousands years, and people going from the North running from the Hans Chinese, who arrived about thousand years ago. ---------- Post added at 01:08 PM...
  11. M

    When did South China Sea become China's "core interest"?

    Finally, thank a lot for your efforts. But still what we need have not be given. There is still no official map of China during last two thousands year that include the island. This is very ridiculous when China claim to possess these islands but did not include them in any official map. All of...
  12. M

    When did South China Sea become China's "core interest"?

    As far as I understand, these one maps described the world with no country boder. Other maps I could not see China and other countries. There are many kind of maps: geographical maps, economical maps, territorial maps... The appearance of something in a map does not necessarily mean that that...
  13. M

    When did South China Sea become China's "core interest"?

    I think my point is not only from my friend huzihaidao12 but also from the opinions of most other experts in the world except those from China, you could look at the recent international conferences about this. The results are straight forward. China consider the Hainan island as their...
  14. M

    When did South China Sea become China's "core interest"?

    Finally, it seems to be that China claimed that it possessed these two islands for two thousands years but there were no official map that included these islands during that time. All the maps given by you show quite clear that Hainan is the southernmost part of China. This is very consistent...
  15. M

    When did South China Sea become China's "core interest"?

    No, I want to mean why China claim that they possessed these two islands two thousand years ago but they only took Taiwan in 17th century (the reason was that Hans Chinese were defeated by Manchurian and Taiwan was the only place to retreat)? In the maps shown there were no Taiwan. The value of...
  16. M

    When did South China Sea become China's "core interest"?

    But if one look at this map, he could easily see the two islands but in your maps I could not find any of them. I could only see Hainan as the southernmost part. And one more questions, why China did not take Taiwan. In comparing to these islands, Taiwan is much closer, much bigger, much more...
  17. M

    When did South China Sea become China's "core interest"?

    Your arguments are very confusing. In your map, as far as I can see, I can not clearly distinguish the islands but you say that we have to combine with other records in order to see the islands. In our map, these islands could be easily seen on the west coast (they were combined into one because...
  18. M

    When did South China Sea become China's "core interest"?

    This map looks nice but I could not clearly see the border of China and other countries. Still I could only see Hainan. Where are the two islands? And still there is no Taiwan. Why dont you take it then? It is next to China, it is big, many people can live there for sure.
  19. M

    When did South China Sea become China's "core interest"?

    There are many maps, I have seen all of them. But they are simply geographical maps with no country border. What can we interpret from these maps? How do ancient maps look like?
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