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  1. Sri

    N-LCA out of the hangar

    Thanks Kinetic, I thought Navy wants to operate 3 carriers from 2015 onwards and Viraat will be retired once IAC - 2 is in service ( Viraats life is extended till 2020 I think) Tx Srini.
  2. Sri

    N-LCA out of the hangar

    Does anyone knows its payload? Also can it used on Viraat ( If arrestor hook is installed) thanks in advance. Tx Sri
  3. Sri

    Exercise Garuda begins in France

    Thanks a lot Prateek, I have one more doubt - Will it be on par with Spectra or the one on F 35?
  4. Sri

    EuroFighter Typhoon won Indian MRCA Contract...

    Hi I searched everywhere even in Geo tv, network site, there is no mention of mmrca. its confusing because when there is a imp strategic news (Pakistan's perspective as well) it will be updated on internet as well. Is there any other source on net? Tx Sri.
  5. Sri

    N-LCA out of the hangar

    Hi, Will it be possible to add arrester hook to Virat? What I mean is Virat might serve us till 2020 but I do not think its aircrafts can(Sea harriers). So will it be possible to use Tejas on Virat? I see that 226M of length, 49m of beam ( should be sufficient I guess) Tx Sri
  6. Sri

    N-LCA out of the hangar

    With strengthing of under carriage, landing gear and MTOW at 12.5 T, what will be its payload? will it be atleast 2T? Tx Sri.
  7. Sri

    N-LCA out of the hangar

    The Aircraft looks same as trainer version with awkward looking landing gear. Hope this will work. Congratulations ADA & HAL. tx Srini
  8. Sri

    TEJAS & IJT Dangerous Trials Planned

    Even though EJ 200 fits in without much changes to airframe, I still believe it requires more air than 404 so modifying air intakes is a must. I think the only adv we get is TVC nozzle with EJ. other than that both the engines might need the same modifications to LCA. Any comments.. Tx Sri
  9. Sri

    Exercise Garuda begins in France

    Hi, Heard a lot about Mayawi but will it be operational anytime soon? I mean will it be part of tejas MK1 or will it part of tejas mk2? And what are its adv. Tx Sri
  10. Sri

    IAF to upgrade SU-30 fighter aircraft

    Hi Sancho, Thanks for pointing me to the article. So does the upgrade include a AESA radar? As the power required for Irbis E ( su35bm radar) is too high and MKI's current engines cannot deliver that power. Thanks in Advance. Sri.
  11. Sri

    Navy's MiG29 superior to IAF's Sukhoi 30

    Hi Ping As far as I know Zhuk msfe was supposed to be the upgrade radar for su 27, su 30 k and its not for Migs. The one on Mig 29k is zhuk me, which is around 680mm. so you are saying the zhuk me will be on par with zhuk msfe? tx Sri.
  12. Sri

    HAL Tejas | Updates, News & Discussions

    I think many of the details mentioned in this are wrong. e.g. mtow is 13500 kg not 14500. radar which is mentioned is for mk2 version i believe. empty weight is 5680 kg not 5500 ( it was the target earlier) tx Sri
  13. Sri

    TEJAS & IJT Dangerous Trials Planned

    Small Correction its deficiency of Air intakes :cheers: Hope this might improve AOA of Tejas MK1.
  14. Sri

    Navy's MiG29 superior to IAF's Sukhoi 30

    Hi According to the above para from air power Australia - Russian industry standard is 2.5m2 target.
  15. Sri

    Navy's MiG29 superior to IAF's Sukhoi 30

    I hope the below Image can give some good comparisions
  16. Sri

    TEJAS & IJT Dangerous Trials Planned

    Changing the Air intakes is like changing air frame, I mean its a major change. so they may not do it for the current version instead they have introduced spring mounted flaps as a workaround, this might be enough for current engine i.e. 404, but for newer engine they may have to redesign air...
  17. Sri

    IAF to upgrade SU-30 fighter aircraft

    Hi, I heard some smart skin for MKI. Is this true or speculation? I also heard replacing metal surface with composites( additional Adv of weight reduction)? Are these coming with the upgrade? Tx Sri.
  18. Sri

    TEJAS & IJT Dangerous Trials Planned

    I believe ADA will redesign the air intakes for MK2. If this is the case then GE 414 is also a possibility.:undecided:
  19. Sri

    India tests Astra BVRAAM

    Is the above info from Wiki true?
  20. Sri

    India,s MKI deals worth twice the MMRCA bid

    I believe A new Aesa radar ( which is in development for Pak FA ) might be fitted on MKI, As the radar on SU 35bm cannot be fitted on MKI ( Power limitations) and SU35 does not have a AESA radar. And the time frame is also fine I mean 5 years for development of radar. I believe the very high...
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